chapter ten

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saturday sebastian slept over at rachel's and he is now having a shower while rachel gets gracie ready they are taking her out for the day.

rachel has been worried given how often hunter as let gracie down rachel can only imagine what he will be like when the baby with brandi is born.

sebastian as been her rock throught the last few weeks and has been very understanding with regards to her concern for gracie.

" mommy where we going" gracie asked as rachel brushed her daughters hair

"we are going out all day sebastian had planned the wholethigni dont know whsre we are going he wants tl surprise us both" rachel said with a smile.

once gracie was ready rachel put the tv on for gracie to watch cartoons while she now got herself ready luckily as she walked into the bedroom sebastian was on his way out of the room he was dressed and ready so we wrnt to watch gracie while rachel dressed

an hour later

rachel was now ready and the three of them got their coats on and headed to the door sebastian helped gracie woth her coat rachel couldnt help but think how goos he was with her plus she knew he wanted to be a dad.

" right then our adventure begins" sebastian said sebastian pushed the stroller while rachel held gracies hand she was happy to walk for now.

" so where are we going" rachel asked

"subway" he said with a grin not giving anything else away

" i meant...." rachel started to say

" i know but im not telling" he said  rachel giggled causing gracie to giggle.

they made their way to the subway and gracie was excitedly watching the people getting on train it wasnt theirs.

" she is so good not been scared" sebastian said

" well she has been going on them since she was born she always liked it i used to bring on them when she was crying it settled her" rachel said as thsir train pulled in

"come on then sweetie" rachel said as she lifted gracie onto the train as sebastian managed to get the stroller on.

" so are you gonna tell me yet." rachel asked as she ssat down pulling gracie onto her knee

"nope" he said

twenty minutes later

" this is our stop" he said and the got off the train as they made their way to the street level rachel saw they were near central park.

" are we going to the park" rachel asked

" yep" he said as they crossed the street gracie was excited at seeing the park she loved running about

once at the park sebastian led them towards the zoo as they arrived thsre gracie got really excited watching the penguins ascshe watched then rachel took a photo of her.

they made their way round looking at monkeys meerkatscwhich rachel couldnt help but laugh at remembering kurt's nickname for sebastian.

after wandering round the zoo gracie was exhausted and was in her stroller while rachel and sebastian headed a few blocks away from the park for lunch.

" so babe what do you fancy for lunch " sebastian asked her

" sushi" rachel said

" there is anew great sushi bar notfar from here we all ent from work a few weeks ago" sebastian said

" sounds good " rachel said

they made their way to the sushi bar and found a table sebastian went to the toilet while rachel angled the stroller so it wasnt in the way.

once sebastian was back they looked at  the menu and ordered their food.

"so did you really enjoy the zoo it was lovely of you to plan somethingfor gracie " rachel said

"i wanted to do it she is a great kid i love seeing her happy as i know thsts vital in making you happy "sebastian said rachel reached over the table and kissed him.

" well if i get that after the zoo i cant wait to see what i get after this afternoon" sebstian said

" there is more" rachel asked

" i said day not morning plus ths longer we are out the more tired gracie will be that means more alone time for us" he said as their food arrived.

after the meal gracie was still asleep so they walked down  the street sebastian was directing the way as they walking then they  reached the destination they were at a pottery place.

"we are gonna paint plates"he said gracie woke up as they were going inside

"hello im jane"a woman said to them

"hi this is rachel and gracie and im sebastian"he said

they proceeded to sit down they waited until gracie was awake enough and sat on rachel's knee they began to paint the paints while sebastian drew a very ornate picture gracie was been so messy thst rachel's was also a mess as their plates were side by side.

gacie had painted her plate green lime greem with four blue dots.

"wow sweetie that's so pretty"rachel said earning a smile from her daughter

"what is it"rachel asked

"me"gracie pointed to one blue dot

"you"gracie pointed to the second dot

"daddy"gracie pointed to the furthest dot on the plate

"sebassion"gracie pointed to the dot next to the one thst was rachel

"thats very nice"rachel said rachel turned to say something to sebastian but found him watching gracie with a smile.

gracie was pretty tired after they had gotten her something to eat before they headed back to rachel's apartment

ojce back at the apartment rachel put her to bed and she walked into the living room and sat next to sebastian on the couch.

" she is such a good kid"he said

"she is" rachel admitted

" she makes you happy"he said

"yeah she does i cant imagine life without her"rachel said

"rach i know this might sound crazy and im not asking for now but one thing been with you as made me realise is i really really do want to be a dad. i know we haven't been together very long so like i said im not talking about now but i love you rach and i love gracie and if you dont want another baby you have to tell me because i cant get any more attached to you both. all i need is to know that you will in time" he sakd rachel said stunned not knowing how to answer.

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