chapter nine

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three days later and blaine and kurt arw watching gracie rachel is on her way to see thad about her divorce and for the first time she ismt dreading meeting with a lawyer about it.

as she arrives she is early so she sits in the waiting area

" rachel"  voice said rachel looked up and saw thad smiling at her she couldnt helpmbut htink what was it about warblers thatt make a girl swoon.

" thad hello how are you" rachel said as she got up amd walked to him

" im good come on in" he said and they both entered his office.

" so you divorcing our old drill seagent"thad said sitting down as rachel did the same

" yes" rachel said

" so level with me you tell me what you want then i go to his lawyers and we battle" thad said

" right well firstly i want full custardy of our daughter gracie as hunter doesmt work regualar hours plus he is unable to have her more than he is and she needs stability" rachel said

" okay so would you be willing to allow him to have regualar access to her" thad asked

" ofcourse" rachel said

" okay and anything else" thad asked

" yes i want to keep the apartment where we currently live its central plis its in a good neighbour hood it has good nursaries and preschools plud the elementry school near by is the best in new york" rachel said

" thats fine now you would a full time mother im guessing so you will require spousal support"thad said

"yes"rachel said

"hat about his business" thad asked

" his clinic" rachel asked

" yes you were married before he started his own clinic which means your entitled to half of the busniess thats the law" thad said

" what would i do with half a medical clinic" rachel asked

" its good leverage to getthe other things your want" thad said

" i see" rachel said

" right well i shall draw up a deal and speak to his lawyers and now that the business has been taken care of on a personal note sebastian sure as been walking with a spring in his step lately" thad said

" thank you" rachel said

" so things going well between you"thad asked with a smile

"yes things are going great"rachel said

"he adores gracie he talks of you both often"thad said

"really" rachel said she couldnt help but smile

" he is smitten" thad said

" so am i" rachel admitted

" i can tell that too"thad said

ten minutes later rachel was making her way up to sebastians office she was pleased with how the meeting with thad had gone.

as she reached sebastians floor he was stood waiting for her rachel figured thad had called him to tell him she was on her way up.

" hey" he said seeing her

" hello" rachel said and she followed him into his office

" so how did it go" sebastian asked after a quick kiss

" great he spoke in normal language instead lf all that jargon" rachel said

" yeah i get that a lot" sebastian said

" i just mean i could understand what he was saying" rachel said

" i know i wish we just spoke like this instead of all that jargon"he said with a chuckle

" im just about done for the day so how about i  you for an early dinner"sebastian said

"sounds lovely but im suppoed to pick gracie up"rachel said

"i called blaine he said he could watch her for a few hours longer"sebastian said

"okay then"rachel said

they left his office and headed to a quaint little bistro near by and had a lovely meal before heading to the loft to get gracie.

at the loft

as they arrived at the loft and rachel opened the door gracie came hurtling towards her

" hey baby" rachel said picking her up

" hey there" blaine said

" sebassian" gracie said wanting a cuddle from him

" hope she has been okay for you" rachel said

" she as been an angel" blaine said

" we made cookies" gracie informed them

" how about we box some up for you to take home" blaine saod gracie went to the kitchen with him

" so she is gonna be having a desert later am i" sebastian sakd wrappingnhis arms around rachel

" oh god yeah" rachel said

half an hour later rachel gracie and sebastian arrived at her apartment to find hunter waiting for them

" daddy" gracie said

" hey princess" hunter sid cuddling his daughter

" what do i owe this misfortune" rachel asked as gracie ran inside to her toys and sebastian went into the kitchen to give then privacy.

"so"rachel asked hunter

"well i came to tell you something i wanted you to hear from me"hunter said

"okay what is it"rachel asked

"brandi is pregnant"hunter said

"oh"rachel said

"i just thought you should know" hunter said

" right" rachel said

" is that all you can say" hunter said

" well what do you exspect me to say am i pleased for you no im not pleased that the woman you cheated on me with is having my daughters half sibling. though i am happy in some way thwt brandi will no doubt get a taste of her own medicine when she is at home with the baby and your screwing her replacent in your office." rachel said and was annoyed that hunter was smiling

" i think this is the longest you and i have talked in a long time" he said

" well unless there is anything else i am busy" rachel said

" yes i noticed" hunter said nodding towards the kitchen

" so"rachel said

" im gonna go"huntervsaid he hugged gracie before he left and sebastian camecout ofvthe kitchen after hearing the door close.

" you okay" sebastian said pulling her into a cuddle and kissing her

" yeah he told me brandi is pregnant" rachel said

" surprised she risked her figure" sebastian said before kissing her again after they broke apart rachsl cuddled into him and she saw gracie smiling at them she couldnt help but smile back at her daughter.

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