chapter eight

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they had been for a nice meal to a greek place called the olive the food was amazing gracie was willing to try some of her and sebastians food some she liked some she didnt.

they walked back to rachel's place and as she put a very tired gracie to bed sebastian was pouring them both a small glass of wine in the kitchen.

the excitement of the play had really tired gracie out and it didnt take much to get her to sleep so as rachel walked back into living room sebastian met her handing her glass to her.

"cheers"he said clinking his glass with hers

"cheers" rachel said back they went to sit down on the couch

" today was lovely thank you" rachel said

" no need to thank me i enjoyed myself too" he said

" and thank you for letting gracie come i know it wasnt how it should have been" rachel said

"she is apart of you why would i not want to spend time with her" he said smiling

" im glad you feel like that"rachel said

"i do" he said

" and im gonna have a good night sleep she is spark out" rachel said as she was touched at his words and didnt want to get emotional.

" i have a confession to make i dont know if im doing right telling you but hunter lied tk you and i want you to know i will always be honest and truthful with you" sebastian said rachel felt sick was he gonna say it was over she was scared to hear what he was gonna say.

" okay" rachel said

"hunter came to see me the other day" sebastian said

" what" rachel said she was shocked

" after gracie ran tl me i stead of him he must have asked her if she saw alot of me and naturally i dont know what she said to him but he came to see me on monday" sebastian said

"i cant believe but im so sorry what did he say"rachel asked

"well he asked what my reason forvspending time with you was and i told him he wasnt happy about it but then i saidche had no right he didnt even wait still you were seperated"sebastian said

"you did right" rachel said

" only as he was in my office my secretary came in to twllme about the tickets to see matilda well he out two and tao together given your a broadway star. so it wasnt a big surlrise to me that he cancelled having gracie so that you wouldnt be able to come out woth me which is why i included gracie well two reason for that but i wanted him to know that he isnt gonna stop me been with you he left your not his anymore." sebastian said

"i cant believe it he cant judge anyone or try to run my life" rachel said

" i want you to know this rach i will only back off if you tell me too there is nothing that he can say that will make me want to not be around you" sebastian said

" im glad" rachel said feeling very emotional

" no as we have been on a few dates it would be unprofessional of me to handle it but im friend you might remember him thad harwood he works for the same firm as me he is a divorce lawyer i think you should meet with him" sebastian said

"okay" rachel said

" hope you dont think me forward for mentioning it but hunter isnt happy and he could try to make things worse for you and i do t want that" sebastian said

" niether do i" rachel said he leaned and kissed her she found herself getting lost in the kiss

"so can i plan a third date"he asked

"no"rachel said

"no"he asked looking confused

"well its just you have planned the last two i thi k its only fair i get to plan this one"rachel said

"ooh goody"he said

"so we agree i can plan it"rachel said

"yes"sebastian said

"now when shluld we have this date"rachel said

"well im free saturday"sebastian

"no that just wont work for me"rachel said

"sunday"sebastian said

"i was thinking more about say 10 minutes"rachel said

"ten minutes"he repeated confused

"yes ten minutes from now"rachel said  giving him a look thqt made him raise an eye brow as he cottoned on to what she was saying

" so you wqnt our third date to take place ten minutes from now and as i u derstand gracie is asleep in bed so we cant go anywhere so therefore the date has tl take place inside your apartment" sebastian said

" yes thats what i was thinking" rachel said

" and you did say the gracie was spark out and you thought you would be in for a good nights sleep meaning you dont expect her to wake up" sebastian said

" yes" rachel aid with a giggle

" now what would the dress code for this date be" sebastian asked then winked at her she hated herself for blushing

" casual" rachel said

" casual how casual" sebastian

" very" rachel said

" well im in" he said before kissing her as  she kissed him backbefore briefly pulling apart to stand up when he suprised her by picking her up.

"what the..."she said

"your wearing heels would want them to wake her up"sebastian said

"i could have taken them off"rachel said once they were in her room

"no i want you to keep them on" sebastian said as he shut her bedroom door behind them.

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