chapter two

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the next morning rachel had slept late grcie was alredy up and having breakfast thanks to blaine rachel got dressed and headed out of the makeshift bedroom to fibd she was the last one up kurt had gone to get some milk from the near by seven eleven blaine was back in the kitchen making rachel her breakfast now that she was up. sebastian was sat at the table drinking a coffee and entertaining gracie rachel noticed.

"morning baby"rachel said kissing her daughters head

"sleep well"blaine asked

"always do here"rachel admitted

"whybront you guys move back in"blaine said

"no its not fair on you guys plus gracie as her own room"rachel said

"well when kurts back we will get ready andctake this little angel out for the afternoon"blaine said putting rachels breakfast infront of her.

as rqchel ate her blaine and sebastian chatted about different things until they heared yelling coming from the lift rachel instinctivly went to gracie and noticed sebastian had done the same thing as the lift door opened and out came kurt and hunter.

"what are you doing here"blaine asked hunter

"i have come for my daughter" hunter said

"well tough your daughter has plans"kurt said

"my daughter is supposed to be with me"hunter said

"daddy"gracie said running to him he picked her up and kissed her.

"you were too busy for her yesterday so she is to busy for today"kurt said

"you cant pick and choose when to have her she needs stability"rachel said

" she was meant to hsve the weekend with me so she will have today and tomorrow and i will drop her off at your at 4pm likecwe arranged"hunter said and went to leave

"wait"rachel said she walked over and kissed gracie as hunter saw sebastian who had been in shock at the sudden chaos.

"smythe its good to see you"hunter said holding gracie in one hand and offering his other to sebastian who had gotton up from the table sebastian glared at hunter and didnt shake his hand.

" i see this is the we hate hunter club is it" hunter said

" pretty much yeah"sebastian said hunter seemed surprised at sebastian speaking to him like that.

"right tomorrow 4pm"hunter said to rachel and he walked out with gracie.

" oh diva" kurt said hugging her

" its alright rach" blaine said hugging her.

" do you have a court appointed  custardy agreement" sebastian asked her.

" no"rachel said

"you need to get one"he said

"but he keeps stalling the divorce"rachel said

"you dont need to be divorced you can take him to family court they will create a custardy order for who has her when he cant violate it if he does he will get a warning if he does it again he will lose his right to have her and only have visitation rights then which is based on when your okay with him coming to your house" sebastian said

"i didnt know that"rachel said

"im a lawyer if ypu need help with doing it i can help"he said

"thank you"rachel said

"so if we arent taking gracieout how about we take you out"kurt said

"okay"rachel said not really wanting to go home if gracie wasnt gonna be there.

"here if you need anything"sebastian said handing her his card.

after a day of retail therapy rachel had gone home she didnt know whatvdhe would do without her friends she felt like she was losing her mind at times regarding hunter. as she put her new clothes away she heared her phone go off it was in her purse.

rach: hello

hunter: something as come up im gonna bring her home now


she put the phone down she didnt want to argue she just wanted her daughter as she was zipping her purse up she spotted the card from sebasyian but what she hadnt relised was the other side of the card the sidevhe had handed to her was his business side with his lawyer number on it yet on the other sidevhe had written and for non law help andhad scrawled his number down. rachel added his numbers to her phone contacts and sent him a text on his personal number saying thank you.

ten minutes later hunter arrived with gracie

" another meeting" hunter said as gracie ran to rachel

" yeah a liksly story on a saturday night" rachel said shutting the door in his face.

as graciecsettled down watching a dvd rachel sawcsge had a message it was from sebastian

hi glad you text
cant believe what
a dick he is been
to you. my office
as a childcare centre
with it if you ever
stuck it must be hard
what with him been
so hot and cold with
having her. think
about what i said this
morning. im here if you
two need anything. seb

rachel read and re read the text how lovely she thought it was she had to admit it had been nice seeing him again blaine was right he had changed for the better. plus he was good looking which rachel tbpught she would never think ofva man in that way again but the fact was sebastian was a gorgeous guy. it also helpped knowing that he was a lawyer hunter had a lot of friends who were lawyers some had become her friends but the split made them side with him whereas now she had a lawyer on herside which felt good.

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