new story : back story

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rachel berry is now a single thirty year old mother to her daughter gracie clarington and is in the middle of a bitter divorce and custardy battle with her husband hunter clarington.

he cheated on her with his receptionist brandi who is 22 and is now living her and is been a shit to rachel regarding their divorce.

luckily for rachel new york is home to a few of her very best friends plus someone she had never classed as a friend someone who would be the one to help pull her out of the dark place she is in thanks to hunter.

yes sebastian smythe had now moved to new york and unbeknown to rachel he has always harboured a crush on her but never told her firstly because they were rivals and then secondly she married his friend though he and hunter had drifted apart over the years.

so now as sebastian is in new york and rachel amd hunter are getting divorced plus he is furius when he discovers how hunter is treating rachel he decides its time to step up and tell her how he feels.

despite having her heart broken by hunter rachel cant help but fall for sebastian.

author notice

this is a new story from me  i got the idea for this story while writing smytheberry : broken

and i couldnt get the idea out of my head

first chapter will hopesfully be published tomorrow but i am busy for the next few days so it might end up been published at the weekend but i will try my best to have it published tomorrow.

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