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The days went by and Ezra remained in his cabin. He didn't want to see somebody or to talk to someone. Instead he tried to figure out how he could prove his innocence. It didn't help that Calvin spent his whole time with the crew, almost every single minute. Neither Kanan nor Hera did try to talk to him, alone to see if he was okay. They avoid him- it seemed that nobody cared about him. As if they turned all their backs on him. Even Calvin didn't say a word to him and only came to their cabin to sleep. He didn't humbled him and abused him anymore, Ezra was grateful for that. He felt bad enough, more as that. Once he made a trip through the vents of the ship and paused for a moment about the common room. He did hide his signature in force, so Kanan couldn't feel him. The view closed his throat and he would have liked to scream his anger, grief and frustration. Calvin sat down with the crew, with his crew, on the table and it seemed that everyone enjoyed their time together. They laughed and nobody seemed to miss him, let alone to think about him. He went back to his cabin, after he had enough. Something broke in Ezra as Kanan layed one hand on Calvins shoulder and ruffled his hair. That was more as he could cope with. It seemed that Calvin took completley his place and nobody seemed to refuse that. The Padawan didn't eat or drink something since the last mission, which affected him, too. Nobody cared about the fact, that he ate, that he was okay. Even Kanan, his master, abandoned him finally and would replace him through Calvin. His lightsaber and his training were already took from him...

Ezra oppressed a scream as he didn't think and moved his right shoulder. While the explosion he was thrown through the air and a metal part of the cargo stucked in his shoulder. He was sucessful to remove it, but the wound inflamed himself. He didn't think to sleep, alone to use a painkiller. He would have to go to the medbay and he wouldn't to risk that someone could see him. The least thing he needed were the disappointed looks of his family, especially Kanan's.

Ezra stared on the ceiling and sighned.

There must be a chance to unmasked Calvin and to explain everything to them! To reveal his true intentions!

Determinded he gritted his teeth and sat up. He couldn't give up and to sink into self-pity. He just couldn't! If he must then he would fight for his crew, his family. He would proved himself to them and show them, especially Kanan, that he was a worthy Padawan. That he could be the Jedi, which Kanan did saw in him.

He climbed down the ladder and left his cabin for the first time of the past days. He determined to look in the common romm first. Nothing could dissuade him to tell the crew the truth, the whole truth. He would..He reached the room, which was empty. Nobody was there, not even Chopper. Ezra wanted to turn around and to try the cockpit as his next move, when he heard a voice.

"What a surprise! The loth- rat comes out of his hole. I' am honored."

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