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Ezra didn't tell anybody about his argument with Calvin. Not until the evening he came out of his cabin, which the others confused. His husky voice and his sore throat made the rest of the crew suspicious of his "cold". He thought they believed him, but Kanan seemed to doubt his story. The Jedi had the feeling that something depressed his Padawan and he wanted to give him time to talk about it.

The next incident was two days later. Ezra was the next in the line to clean the Phantom like they did it twice the week - Hera's command. But different than unusual Ezra seemed to be relieved about it. Finally he had an excuse to avoid Calvin and he was very grateful for that. His new roommate banished him from his bed so that he had to sleep on the cold ground, every single night. Also, Calvin seized the other bunk, too. Because of that ( and the time for himself, which he gladly enjoyed) he made extra work for his task. It cost him the half of the day but in the end the result could be seen. The Phantom shone in a new shine and sparkled in the sunlight. Finally Ezra packed his things and examined his work - Hera would be very satisfied with him. He climbed of the ship and returned to the Ghost. The whole work made him hungry and he determined to treat himself with a Meiloorun. He sat in the common room, while Hera came in.

"Hi Hera, I've..." He stopped because of her angry look towards him.

"Ezra, I've given you a task. Meanwhile I thought that you understand and know it, that everybody on this ship has a task."

Wondering about her words, he nodded.

"Of course, I understand. I cleaned the Phantom as you said. I've just finished it."

Hera raised an eye- brow and folded her arms in front of her body.

"Really? Then you can certainly explain why it looks worse as before."

"What!?" He dropped the fruit and he stared dumbfounded at his Captain.

Should this be a bad joke? Then it was, it was't funny!

"See it for yourself", she said and pointed in the direction of the ramp. Ezra stood up and they went outside together. He almost hit the beat. One minute before the Phantom was fine, more as fine, it was spick and span. But now it was completely clotted with mud. "But..but I've cleaned it all the time. I vow she was clean before, really!"

"Do you have a problem?"

Calvin emerged next to the two of them and innocent smiled at Hera.

"I've finished the inventory of the munitions. I thought I have a look at you and see what are you doing. Maybe I can help?"

"Just what we always needed", Ezra thought and tried to resist the growing urge to roll his eyes.

Why must he appears of all the times!

"Ezra had the task to clean up the Phantom, but obviously he misunderstood his job", answered Hera , who was hacked off. She pointed with her head to the ship.

The Padawan didn't understand anything now.

"Hera, I worked up on my task and I completely cleaned it in the last hours. I have no trigging idea what happened, but you must believe me!"

Ezra felt like he was in a bad movie. Why must he explain himself for a thing, which he didn't do?

"I've expected more of you, Ezra. That you refuse your duties is not half as bad like the fact, that you try to sell me for brainless", snorted Hera and shook her head. Ezra could hear her disappointment in her voice.

"But I.."

"Enough! You are going to clean the Phantom and do the inventory, too", Hera replieds and you didn't need to use the force to see that she was very angry.

"I can help you, Ezra", offered Calvin but Hera shook her head.

"That is nice, Calvin, but I think that Ezra can do it very good alone, too."

The Padawan felt like something punched him at the head.

"But..but I didn't do anything wrong! Furthermore that takes so much time and I have Jedi - Training, later!"

"Then you better hurry", Hera said unaffected and shook her head.

"You could take Calvin as an example, Ezra."

With this words she turned around and went back in the ship. Ezra wrestled about his composure and couldn't believe that he was grounded for a thing, which he didn't do.

"Oh well, you heard her", sneered Calvin and smiled self- satisfied. The truth dawned upon Ezra.

"You did it! Of course, who else!?"

He stared darkly at his counterpart, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe. Can you proof it?"

Ezra want to replied something, but he couldn't. Calvin was right, he hadn't a single proof. And without a proof nobody would believe him. Calvin dragged him in a situation, which he wanted for him.

"I thought so..."

He turned to the ship.

"Hurry Ezzy. We wouldn't want that you miss your Jedi - Training, wouldn't we? Kanan would be not so happy..."

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