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Hey Guys!

Sorry for the short break, but I was very busy with my college. The complete story is already in german, but I need time to translate it. But I promise that the story is finish before Christmas :)

Thank you so much for your great support! You are amazing!

See you!

Mary :D

It should be an easy mission. A really simple mission: Get in, take the crates, blow up the Empire's stuff and get back to the Ghost. A normal plan to steal the supplies - like they did it all the time.

Kanan and Zeb should take the crates in the Ghost, Sabine, Ezra and Calvin would spread out Sabine's "miracles" over the base and then blow-up - after they would be back on the ship - save. However the mission began and nothing did go according to plan. Stormtroopers came from their hideout, just in the moment the rebels were on the ground of the base. At that time the mission already had failed - but it did become worse. The frequency of their coms was disturbed and they couldn't communicate to each other, they retracted. Instead Ezra, Sabine and Calvin planned to detonate the bombs. They wanted to reach something at least so the whole operation wasn't for nothing. Sabine sundered from the boys, so she could take one side of the base, Ezra and Calvin should take the other one. It was not that the task was harder because of the bucketheads, no the mission became a total disaster. A disaster, whoch almost cost them their lives, if Hera didn't come with the Ghost in last second. Panting and with a great shock in their bones the spectres stood in the cargo hold. Each of them was covered with dust and had several bruises.

"That was a close call. The whole mission was  one disaster", Kanan said and drove his head across his face. Sabine, who took her helmet off, frowned.

"I don't understand."

"It was like they expected us", Zeb growled and Sabine shook her head.

"That was obvious. No, I don't understand why the bombs did gone wrong. They should inflamed themself much later..." She looked to Ezra, who didn't say a word yet. He was responsible for the firing of the other bombs - which inflamed themself too early.

"We detonated the bombs like you said, Sabine", spoke Calvin.


The Padawan didn't react. He could not believe, what he had done...

Oh he was so stupid..


He should have know it. He should hear of his feeling...

The young Jedi looked up and met the look of his master. He had to tell him, they must believe him! They couldn't refused him...not after everything..It couldn't be worse.

"I...I ignited the bombs, but only to..."

Before he could speak further, Kanan interrupted him. His expression was furious, more as Ezra did ever see it.


"Kid, did you lost your mind?!"

Dumbfounded Zeb looked to Ezra and shook his head.

"I did it, but..."


Kanan didn't calm down rather the opposite. Wih every second it seemed he became angrier. He yelled more at him and Ezra did realize every single word. So long as Kanan was in rage he didn't have a chance to explain himself. To see the disappointment in the eyes of his master again let him feel cold in his heart.

Why couldn't he make anything right?

Calvin remained silent, also. Ezra could imagine his amused face in his thoughts, which throbed his blood in his veins.

How could he be so stupid? Did the years on the streets taught him nothing?


"Could anybody please explain to me what's going on?!"

Hera climbed down the ladder and wondering looked in the faces of her crew. She heard Kanan's voice in the cockpit, but she couldn't understand his words.

"Ezra ignited the bombs too early and so the mission failed and everything else", Sabine explained quietly. She could not understand what did came over Ezra, that he did something so...mindless.

.Just as Kanan wanted to continue with his lecture, Hera laid her hand on his arm. He understood the gesture and became silent. Then the Twi'lek turned to the Padawan:

"Is that true, Ezra?"

He nodded.

They must believe me! It was the time that Calvin was unmasked!

"Yes, I did it. But only because Calvin said it to me. He said something about a change in the plans, which Sabine told him about. Down there you couldn't understand your one word and our coms were jammed. Also, I didn't have a possibility to talk to Sabine. The whole plan failed and I wouldn't male the situation worse, while I disobeyed orders. So I did, what Calvin told me to do. I was so stupid to see not through his game! He did it only to show me guilty and responsible in front of you! I should have known that Sabine never said to him to ignite the bombs earlier."

Disapponinted Kanan turned his look from his student and the others shook their faces, too.

"You did a really bad mistake, which almost cost our whole crew. But the fact that you blamed someone else for your failure...I' am very disappointed in you, Ezra. I thought you know it better."

"But I...It's not my fault! I did it only because I thought I would obey your orders! I didn't want to make you upset!"

"It worked out really well, kid. Gratulation!", Sabine angry replied and left the room - not without to barge the Padawan.

"Don't you dare to meet my eyes in the next days!", Zeb growled and followed Sabine.

"Really, Ezra. What did I do to you? I thought we are friends", Calvin said depressed and went with his head down past Ezra. Without another word Kanan and Hera followed him. They didn't see the smile on Calvin's face.

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