Chapter Three

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    The road going to the town of Cuore was filled with great sceneries. Forests surrounded the road and the sounds of birds chirping were clear. It was such a great experience for Liam. He was enjoying every second of it. He was riding at the back of the jeep with Ethan. He tried standing up a few times but Ethan would always pull him down. Theola was sitting in the passenger seat talking with Warren. Liam wondered if Warren is the one that Theola likes.

            They were welcomed by the town mayor, Benedict McCarthy. Mayor Benedict seemed so nice to them, he was so warm in his welcome that Liam thought it was out of the ordinary. The town of Cuore looked so peaceful, it was rather big and had all the amenities that anyone living there would need, a hospital, school, church, and different shops. It was not a rustic or old town as well,, it was a bit modern.

            The Mayor explained to Liam that the town was three years younger than the resorts in Hart, it was first a settlement for the employees of the resorts, but as resorts and other facilities grew so was the town. Liam also found out why the Mayor was so kind to them; the Hendrix family was one of the major sponsors of the town itself.

            After their hearty breakfast, Theola walked them around the town. She was born there and only left a few years ago to work. Hart wasn’t too far away from the mainland, so it was also convenient to continue living there while working, but there were too many bad memories that she wanted to forget, that’s why she left. When Liam heard that form Theola, he wondered what happened for her to leave her hometown.

            Theola invited them to her home. Her father welcomed them. Adrian Moore was a local policeman, tall and muscular, and he seemed to be in a close relationship with Warren, they talked casually to each other. Liam was not comfortable being in that house, Adrian was watching him carefully. For some reason, Adrian was intently examining every inch of Liam. He wanted to say something, but he held it back for the sake of Theola.

            The Moore’s house was very western traditional, it looked very cozy. There was a huge fireplace in the far end of the living room. The living area looked exactly the same as the one in his vision. The coffee was there as well.

            The vision he had the night before wasn’t as foreboding as the first one he had. To be honest, he didn’t really understood why he had to see that vision. He didn’t know what it was trying to say. Not like the first one that had a clear message –to save Freya- the second vision sent a mixed message to Liam. Was he supposed to stop that from happening like the first one?

            They went to the forest to have lunch by the river that day with Theola and her father. Liam was ecstatic to be there. “And you said there’s nothing to see here at all.” He said bitterly at Warren and Ethan. He was near the river feeling the cold water on his bare feet while the others were busy preparing for their lunch.

            “Alright, alright. Just get here before something happens to you.” Ethan said as he and Warren prepared the fire pit.

            “Let him be.” Warren said in a kind tone. “Just don’t go any farther. It’s dangerous in that river.” Warren smiled at Liam.

            “Geez… you two are such worrywarts. I’m not a kid anymore, you know. And I’ve never heard of anyone drowning in an ankle deep river before.” Liam complained as he walked away from the river. He saw Adrian staring at him again. He was beginning to feel more uncomfortable.

            “I’m going to get some more firewood.” Liam couldn’t take Adrian’s stare any longer. He stood up.

            “Where are you going? We don’t need more firewood. Liam! It’s dangerous, get back here.” Ethan called him back.

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