Chapter 9 Counting Days

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Day 1
I endlessly bark at the door while Lola keeps repeating that it is soundproof. This plan isn't going to work.
Day 2
I growl and scratch at the door. Lola says she's tried and it never works. I can see where she tried. There are deep cuts in the door but it's not knocking down anytime soon. Next plan!
Day 3
I howl in anguish. There is barely anything else to do. Lola keeps telling me to shut up. I think she's becoming annoyed.

It was true what she said about the food. It is only half a cup for each of us. But while Lola isn't looking, I slip one-fourth of mine into hers. She'll soon be strong enough to do something to get out! I can even see it in her fur after only a couple days.
6 Days
I am giving up. There really is no way out of here. At least I get to be with Lola.
Day 10
I laid here. I didn't do anything but eat. Lola tried to talk to me but I can barely see straight. Something is wrong with me.
Day 20
Lola found out I was putting food in her dish and is furious. She says that it was stupid and I should be ashamed of slowly killing myself like that. She says I will die if I don't get more food.

She wouldn't eat today. Eating both halves made me feel a bit better.
Day 25
Lola and me are anxious to get back to our owners. Lola told me how long she's been here and I'm surprised.
Day 30
I think it's been about a month since I've seen Bryan and Scarlett. Missing them so much.
Day 32
Lola and me tried to pass time today by asking each other random questions about each other and our owners. Eventually it made us too sad so we just went to sleep.
Day 35
There's a thud in the hallway. Lola and me pick up our heads. I am so weak and tired these days that it's hard to do anything but lay around. I'm becoming a lazy dog.


"You can't go in there Bryan dude!" Fang's voice growls.

There's a small jiggling at the door and Lola and me jump up. We bark and scratch against the door.

"Why can't he go in there Fang?" Scarlett asks.

"Because....because..."The door opens a crack but then there's a louder crack. "I told you NOT to go in there." Fang growls and there's a cry of pain.

"LEAVE BRYAN ALONE!" Scarlett screams.

The door is swung open and I growl at what I see before me. Fang has Bryan on the ground, beating him with his fists furiously. Scarlett is crying and hitting Fang's back.

Lola and I growl in unison. All three of them look up. Fang's eyes fill with fear while Scarlett and Bryan's eyes fill will love and relief.

Time for revenge on Fang.

We both go and threateningly walk towards Fang. He is up in a second, pressed against the wall. We lift our lips and snark at him and he screams as Lola bites into his leg. I grab his other leg and I feel someone else, pulling me away from Fang.

It's Bryan. "Come on, leave him alone Jax. He is just an afraid little kid who doesn't deserve our time of day."

Bryan looks like crap. His eye is turning black and blue, swelling up like something that swells up really big. His cheek is bruised and his lip is split and bleeding.

I turn and see Scarlett pulling Lola away from Fang too. Once we are both away from him, he gets up and runs. Well, limp runs, as his pants are ripped and bleeding.

"Lola? Is it really you? Have you been in there that long?" Scarlett cries, burying her head into Lola's fur.

"Yes! I didn't like that Fang, Scarlett! He was so mean."

"I'm so sorry girl."

Bryan coughs, and I watch red spew from his mouth. Scarlett turns her attention towards Bryan as he starts coughing up more blood. "Bryan? Oh god Bryan! How hard did he hit you?"

She starts crying and typing buttons in her square box. "Yes? 911? My friend, he was injured majorly, and I need an ambulance. Our number? 66553, and we are on Deadpan Street. Yes the red abandon house! Please send help quickly."

I nose Bryan's side and he collapses in a coughing fit on the ground. I don't get it?

I thought we were jut freed and now, Bryan is hurting....and it's all Fang's fault. I'm gonna kill him!
Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter. Definitely longer than the last chapter!

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Stay beautiful<3

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