Chapter 6. Gang Member

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Scarlett pats me on the head and I bark out happily. Bryan comes out front and hangs up his hat. "So Jax, how was you day?"

Besides the girl climbing all over me? It was rather good. An older lady patted me on the head. A man gave me a dog treat. And I could smell the chicken!

"I'm guessing it was good. I mean, nobody died or anything." Scarlett says as she unwraps the apron from her waist.

Bryan gives a light chuckle, "Of course no one died. It's McDonalds."

"Well, you can never know what happens in McDonalds." Scarlett speaks slyly.

Bryan goes a paler skin tone than normal and stops smiling. "Heeey BaBy!"

A guy with a black jacket comes in and directs his words towards Scarlett. "Scar baby, how you been?"

"Call me baby one more time Diggy and you'll know why they call me Scar."

"The Gang needs ya back baaaaaabe! We going south without cha!"

"Do you think I care? I was only there because my stupid boyfriend pulled me into it. Ya know, the one I haven't seen in a month because he left."


"Don't Diggy! If you want me back in the Gang then send over Fang and let me see him again."

"But Scarlett, please-"

"You heard me!"

"He knew you'd be difficult. But can I ask who might this be?" The man, Diggy, gestures towards Bryan.

"That is an employee at McDonalds. I can introduce you to a much more favorable character. Come here Jax!"

I walk to her side and snarl towards Diggy. He backs towards the door. "D-d-don't let him on me Scar. Please."


I turn my attention to her, who smiles, but in a viscous way. "Sic em!"

I growl through bared teeth and he goes out the door. Time for a chase.


I chase him down the sidewalk and he turns back every so often to see if I'm still following. Now I'm gaining.

I leap and my teeth meet his leg, as I tear off a pant leg and a shoe off his foot. His ragged jeans and foot run away. I suppose Scarlett should be happy with this.

I pic up the shoe and the torn pant leg. I pad up to McDonalds and overhear Bryan's voice, "-so that's why you were in the gang."

"Yep...oh Jax! Come here boy."

She opens the door, allowing me entrance. I drop the clothing at her feet and she pats my head. "Good boy! Whose a good boy?"

Me! Of course I am. I'm not a bad boy! Unlike some people think.

I turn and look at Bryan, who is rubbing his chin and deep in thought. "So....your boyfriend is the leader of a gang, vanishes for periods of time, then you joined, and now you decided to leave because it got to intense."

"That's the gist of it."

"Well...I guess we'll see you tomorrow."
In the following week, Bryan and Scarlett got closer. But I suppose that's about as interesting as it got. People pat me on the head as they pass by, order food, and repeat. At the end of the day, they just say goodbye and leave.

So , like any other day, the work day was ending. "Hey there Jax. Guess it's time to go once again eh?"

I wag my tail and lick her hand happily. Then there's a ding as someone comes through the door.

It's a man. He has that same black jacket as the other guy who was here a while ago. I don't know how long ago that was. He is wearing black glasses things over his eyes. Also some tanner pants things. "So I hear you aren't willing to rejoin the gang Scar."

"Hello Fang."

"Fang? Aren't you the leader of that gang? And Scarlett's ditching boyfriend?" Bryan asks incredulously.

"Yes that would be me Mr. McDonald man. Who are you?"

"Bryan, Bryan Frizier."

"Well Mr. Frizier, I suppose you best be leaving. Scar and me have things to do."

"I'm not coming with you, you jerk!" Scarlett growls angrily.

I growl at him to for extra effect. "Scar you know how much I hate dogs. Why'd you get another one?"

"His name is Jax, Fang. And he's certainly better than you so why don't you just scurry away like the vermin you are!"

"Excuse me? I don't think you meant that Scar."

He comes closer, grabbing Scarlett's wrist. He pulls her into his chest and whispers something to her. She giggles and kisses his cheek. "Fine. I'll meet you there, 7:00 sharp." Scarlett says.

"See you then Baby! See you around Bryan. Bye Dog."

I bare my teeth towards him again and he glares at me. "Shut up mutt."

"No way. You aren't going to meet that guy somewhere."

"Chillax Bryan. Of course I ain't just meeting him. I'm meeting with the gang."

"I want to come with."

"No way! I'm not letting you come with. It's just not your thing!"

"It is my thing. My thing completely if it means you're going to be gone."

"Why would you care if I'm gone?"

"No reason." Bryan says with an absentminded look in his eyes. "I just....need a partner."

Scarlett stares at him in shock. I stare at him in shock.

"I mean a partner for work! Sorry, I'll see you around Scar...let. Scarlett"

"See ya. Bye bye Jax."

She pats my head leaves through the door. I look questioningly at Bryan. "Of course we are following her. Don't give me that look, I'm not stupid."
That's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed.

Question time!
1. How big do you think this 'Gang' is?

2. Do you think Scarlett will find out if they were following her?

3. What if Fang found them before Scarlett knew she was being followed? Hmmmm...

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Stay beautiful<3

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