Chapter 5. A New Partner

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I could practically jump for joy! I run up to her and lick her hand. She giggles and rubs in between my ears.

"Well hello there Jax, how have you been, since I seen you yesterday?"

I bark and she laughs. "Well then Jax, I suppose I should be asking what your doing here."

Mrs. Persape says, "Jax and Bryan are going to be working here. I assume you've met before?"

Scarlett puts up her hand, "Of course I've met But why is he here?"

"He will be your new partner since Gertrude left."

"What? No, what?"

But won't she be happy because I am here? "Well actually they both will be."

"I can live with one of them."

She pats my head and my tail thumps against the ground. Mrs. Persape presses her lips together until they look like the thinnest stick looking thingy I've ever seen. "Which one would that be Miss Gold?"

"Jax of course. But I guess I can live with Bryan as well, if he behaves himself."

"Did he do something in particular to you Miss Gold?"

Scarlett rolls her eyes, "I said I can live with him okay? I guess that it's fine. As long as Jax is okay with it?"

I bark twice and she smiles. "Smart boy Jax."

"Am I smart boy?" Bryan questions.

Scarlett almost turns her lips upward but composes herself once again, "Come along Mr. Frizier, I have a uniform ready for you." She sighs. "As for you Jax, I have the perfect hat for your amazing doggy head!"

I bark happily and follow her out of Mrs. Persape's room. "So Jax have you been well since yesterday? I hope so. I missed you not being by my feet by the fire."

"Hold up Scarlett!"

Scarlett impatiently sighs and whips around to face Bryan, "If you want this job, you have to keep up with me and do as I say Mr. Frizier."

"Please, call me Bryan."

"No, and you will call me Miss Gold."

"Oh okay then."

I could practically die of laughter. He people say...rejected! I here Bryan say that to random people on the small box we watch in windows of those places people get new stuff.

I feel something being pulled onto my head. Scarlett put something on my head! Ah it's attacking me! "Calm down Jax, it's called a hat and it's not going to hurt you. See I'm wearing one too." Scarlett says, pointing to her head.

I guess it's okay if Scarlett is wearing one. But Bryan doesn't seem happy. "He's not wearing a hat." Bryan says, reaching for my hat.

I growl and back into Scarlett. She smiles triumphantly. "He likes his hat, doesn't you Jax?"

I bark twice, alarming some of the surrounding people. "Okay Jax, please don't bark in here. It's a quiet place okay? Now come back here with me Bryan, I'm showing you how to work the Drive Thru. Jax, sit and stay!"

I do as she says and sit down. I guess it's okay, but I've been better. This is so boring. So extremely boring.

A little girl with blonde hair squeals and I jump. "Momma! Look at the puppy!"

Excuse her, I am not a pup. I am, for a fact, 3 years old. "Go play with it dear. It has a working hat on so maybe it's for the kids to enjoy."

"EEEEEEEEHHH PUPPPY!" She squeals in delight.

I have to sit and stay but this may be going to far. She wraps her arms around my neck, almost choking me. Then she pulls on my tail and I let out a small growl because dang that hurt! "Ooooooh little girl please back away from the dog." I hear Scarlett say.

"But....but....MOMMY!" She shrieks.

"Yes dear?"

The mother comes over and she looks like an awful brat. She had sunglasses on with a high heels and a stupid dress. "What is the problem dear?"

"The lady says get away from the doggy!"

The adult woman rolls her eyes, "SCARLETT!"

Scarlett appears next to me, "Yes Miss Hostol?"

"My daughter wants to play with the dog but you aren't letting her?"

"Correct. She cannot play with the dog."

"Why is it out front then?"

I have a name you know you jerk face! "Well you see Madam, he is a sophisticated animal and he deserves recognition. He also is an employee here and you see that your daughter wouldn't pet an employee correct?"

"True, but I believe I am rather not hungry for my burger then. Come along girl, let us go somewhere with better taste in employees."

Excuse me? I could growl but Scarlett would be mad at me. I just have to watch that snotty woman walk out with her young. "I'm sorry she did that Jax. Your a good boy. Now wait here and then we'll get you a job to do."
That's the end of this chapter! I really hope you liked this chapter! It took a really long time because I couldn't quite figure out what to have Jax doing. But then I figured it out.

So I hope yo enjoyed!

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Stay beautiful<3

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