Chapter 2. Lola

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I yawn and roll over onto my back. Now this is life.

Scarlett the brown haired woman is sitting in a rocking chair reading a book by an open fire. And I get to lay under the chair she's reading by the open fire. "Jax you didn't like that girl did you?"

I bark once, no.

"Do you have a way of saying yes and no?"

I bark twice, yes.

"Was that a yes or a no? Wait bark twice for yes."

I bark twice, she's kinda irritating at the moment cause I want to sleep. All I want to do is sleep by this fire. But now that I think of it I'm kinda hungry. "So Jax, are you tired?"


"Are you needing to go for a walk?"



"Yes!" I bark twice and jump to my feet.

She giggles and stands up. "I bet I have some bacon for you."

This is the freaking best girl I've ever met! Bacon and laying by a fire doing nothing! I love her! I wish I could be mates with her but of course, it'd never work. I'm a dog, she's a person. Plus we wouldn't want like dogmans. Or Huogs. That'd be weird. Plus being a bachelor is way better than being taken. I mean, all the girls look at you like wanting you and stuff.

"So Jax, catch."

She throws me some bacon and I eagerly catch it midair. I drop it on the carpet and start eating it bit by bit. "Oh Jax, you remind me of Lola so much."

I wonder who Lola is? I'm betting she'll tell me. "This is Lola. She was my Aussie."

She holds a picture of a beautiful Australian Shepherd with big brown eyes like her own. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She has a big black patch on one side of her face on her eye and her fur looks so soft. I wouldn't mind being mates with her if you know what I mean.

"You see, me and her were best friends. We were really close. Then one day I accidentally left the door open. She was gone before I could go after her. I don't know where she is now. My beautiful girl is off in the world. She was gone. Just gone. And ''tis not even fair."

That's too bad. She could've been an amazing female, I mean look at her. She's hot.

"Well anyways-"

There's a knocking at the door and I jump. "Don't worry I'll deal with this disruption."

She gets up and I follow cautiously behind her. She opens her door and there stands...Bryan! "Please lady let me have my dog back."

"Are you stupid? No. You left him out in the rain and he actually sat out there. You're not getting him back anytime soon."

"Please he's my only friend."

"Huh! What about blonde and her stuck up Poodle? She wasn't enough for you?"

"Please that was a mistake, after you...came in I realized that."

"Why did you realize I have more curves than that girl. But guess what lover boy? You ain't gettin any of this!"

She smooths her hands down her sides and sticks her tongue out at Bryan. This is confusing me. Any of what? Any bacon?

"Please! I have been with Jax for three years. I can't survive without him."

"If Jax wants to come to you Jax can. COME HERE JAAAX!"

I come walking up to Scarlett's side and sit next to her. "Jax don't let her flabbergast you. She's just a girl. Remember broship."

I know what broship is. Bryan and me made it. It means we always got each other's backs. Since we only got each other, that was an easy pact to make. We are soul brothers til the end. And that means I have to go with him.

I bark twice and look at Scarlett. "Jax, do you want to stay here or go with him?"

I grudgingly walk over and sit next to him. He smiles triumphantly but I growl towards his direction. Scarlett giggles, "Well Jax, I'll see you around." She rubs in between my ears and smile. "As for you Bryan, I hope you jump off a cliff. Learn not to leave a dog outside alone."

"But wait a minute-"

"Wait Bryan. Before you go."

Scarlett steps close to Bryan grabbing his collar and putting her lips by his ear. I thought she wasn't this kind of woman. Then I see, I was right.

She steps away, hand clutching his collar and punches him in the eye. I loll my tongue out, silently laughing. He so deserved that. "Ow! Gosh dang It! Why?"

"Cause your an arse. Bye bye Jax."

She leans down and kisses me on the nose. I feel warm shudders go through me and I lick her cheek. She giggles and shuts her door.

"So lets go Jax. Nothing left for us here."
That's the end of chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed! Isn't she seriously a b.a. woman? I mean come on, that was awesome.

Now it's opinion question time-
1. Do you think Scarlett and Bryan will meet again?

2. Are you shipping Scarlett and Bryan? What would the ship name be? Hmmm...

3. Do you think someone will find Lola? And what would happen if if they did?"

I hope you enjoyed!

Vote, comment, and follow

Stay beautiful<3

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