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"Zed..." He called. "We're going to be late.."

"We need to go.. Graham.." I said. "I already told the folks we'd be a little behind, and besides.. Joe didn't get to go last year.."


We drove to the location to find our brother was already there, knelt down.

"Hey.." I said, walking to him. "Did Rosa stay home with the kids?"

"Yeah.." He said. "Sable is sick, and we didn't want her to infect Alex and Elizabeth.."

"Mum?" I turned around.

"Come here.." I put a hand out to my fraternal twin children. "It's about time you meet your folks.."

"This is your Great Uncle Joe.." Joseph smiled. "Your uncle Graham and I were named after him.."

"And this.." I laid a poppy flower down by the tombstone. "Your Great Aunt Poppy... and Great Uncle Seán...."

"How'd they get in there?" Alex asked.

"Well.." I said. "They weren't supposed to for a very long time.... but God was ready for them.. When I was born, my Uncle Joe... he came to your grandma and granddad's house to save me.."

"You weren't in a hospital?" Elizabeth asked.

"No, dear..." I sighed. "I was supposed to be, but I was impatient.." I smiled. "Your grandma was having some trouble with an ex boyfriend... and he had a gun outside their house.. Joe wanted to save his sister, and died that same night.."

"Oh.. you never met your uncle Joe?" Alex asked.

"No.... None of us did.." Graham said. "But he loved your grandma very much.... and Great Uncle Caspar will tell you more when we get to grandma and grandpa's house.. okay?"

"Okay.." They said.

"Hey Uncle Joe..." I knelt down by Joe, and Graham knelt at my other side. "Mum wanted to come see you today, but she, Uncle Caspar and Dad... they got caught up with preparing the Deyes Christmas..."

"We bring the kids here every year.... but Sable is sick, so Rosa is home.." Joe said.

"I have something to tell you, Uncle Joe.." Graham smiled. "Emma and I... we're getting married.... and she's pregnant.."

"What?" I looked at my brother.

"Congratulations, mate.." Joe said.

"So... Jordan.... are you going to come sit?" Graham looked over at our cousin.

"I'm scared to say it.." He said.

"Jordan.... You're okay..." Joe said. "Come here.." Jordan knelt down.

"Look... Dad...." Jordan sighed. "I haven't told my other dad or Mum this yet... so don't go giving them hints..." He smiled, reading Joe's tombstone. "I found someone... I found my someone and... I've never been happier.. I don't know why I'm struggling saying this since you have probably already noticed.... but I'm with a man... I'm gay.."


"Hey Mum... Hey Dad..." I walked in, giving my parents hugs.

"Hey little one... How was it?" Mum asked.

"It was nice... It was nice to introduce the kids to their past family.." I smiled. "Jordan told Uncle Joe..." I whispered.

"Oh... he did.." Dad smiled. "Is he planning on telling Uncle Caspar tonight?" I nodded.


"Okay..." Jordan took a deep breath. "I have a surprise.."

"Yes?" Caspar said.

The Girl on the Streets ✹ ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now