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"Day one of vlogmas!" Zoë opened her camera and said. "We've invited the others over, and they should be over in a few.... Caspar is bringing little Jordan, and Alfie bought him the cutest little Santa hat.." She showed it. "Nala... Buzz... Come here.."

"Aw, they look so cute in their little jumpers.." I chuckled.

"Poppy and Seán should be here any second..." Zoë said. "Is Zed dressed?"

"Yes, and we have everything set.." I kissed her. "Party time.."

"Party time.." She smiled. "Happy anniversary, Alfie.." I blushed, and kissed her, saying the same.


"Oh, I love this song.." I said. "Zoë?"

"Alright..." She blushed. "Get your guitar.." I ran upstairs, and whilst getting my guitar, I put on a reindeer headband to make Zoë laugh. "What on earth.."

"We don't need the track.." I said, turning the music down, and I started playing the song. "I don't want a lot for Christmas.."

"There is just one thing I need..." Zoë smiled.

"I don't care about the presents... underneath the Christmas tree.." Poppy laid her head on Seán's shoulder.

"I just want you for my own.." Jim wrapped his arms around Tanya, and she looked up at him.

"More than you could ever know.." She blushed.

"Make my wish come true..." Dan sang. "All I want for Christmas...."

"Is you..." Phil rolled into Dan's lap.


"Mum would be really proud..." I said. "Poppy always said she'd protect me.."

"You didn't need me.." Poppy punched my arm. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met these dorks.."

"I wouldn't have met you, Zoë..." I hugged her. "Or little Nala!"

"Nala, are you giving Zed kisses?" Poppy smiled. "You know.... They say people change.... But I don't think that's true.."

"You're still the dorky, awkward older sister I've always known..." I teased, then got hit with a pillow. "Ow.."

"Help me out here, Z.." Poppy smiled, handing her a pillow. The girls ended up starting an extreme pillow fight, but everyone had to be careful hitting Zoë and Marzia as they were both pregnant, and we didn't want to harm the babies.

"Felix, you're such a pain.." Marzia laughed, but he picked her up, taking the pillow from her. "You're lucky you're cute.."

"Marzia... we've been over this... you're the cute one, and I'm fabulous.." He smiled.

"Dads, Felicia wants to know if she can spend the night.." Dillon asked. Dan looked up at Phil as he was laying his head on Phil's lap, and smiled.

"Does someone have a little girlfriend?" Dan teased.

"Daaaaad..." Dillon blushed.

"Yes, she can spend the night.." Phil smiled.


"Well, we better take these two home.." Phil said.

"Yeah, we're going to head off, as well.." Jim kissed Tanya on the cheek. "Thanks for having us.."

"Hey... we're family, mate.." I said. "Well, love... Are you getting sleepy?" I held Zoë in my arms.

"A little.." She yawned.

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