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"Is she okay?" Caspar and Joe ran into the hospital, finding us sitting in a quiet room with the babies.

"She lost a lot of blood..." Seán teared up.

"I'm so sorry, Seán.... I... I tried really hard.." Zoë said.

"No, you did all you could.. Thank you.." He gave her a side hug as he was still holding baby Samantha. "I need to fill out the papers, so can-"

"Hey mate.. We got here as fast as we could.." Felix came in with Marzia and Felicia.

"Can you take Samantha?" Seán asked Felix.

"Of course.."

"I'll be right back.."


"Seán McLoughlin?" The doctor came in.

"Yes?" He stood.

"She's awake... Would you like to see her?" She smiled. "Zoë, Alfie, and your friends may come in as well, as long as you stay quiet.."

"Yes, please.." Seán wiped the tears from his eyes, and we all followed her.

"Here we are.." Doctor Stephanee smiled. "Poppy? Your family is here.."

"Seány?" She said.

"Oh, Pops.... You did so well...." He ran to her side, taking her hand. "They're all here..."

"Can I see them?" She teared up. He motioned for us to walk in with the triplets, and Poppy asked to get a group picture.

"Jack has your eyes, love..." Seán kissed her forehead. "We can thank Zoë for this.."

"Thank you, Zoë..." Poppy took her hand. "Thank you for taking control.."

"Seán has been a very strong father through all of this, Pops.." I smiled. "And were proud to see our beautiful nieces and nephew so healthy.."

"Aw.." Poppy cradled Samantha in her arms. "She has your eyes, Seány.."

"And your smile.." He blushed.

"Okay, family photo everyone..." Doctor Stephanee came back in with a camera. "Everyone, gather around."

"You get in this, too.." Poppy said to Felix and Marzia.

"What? Are we recreating the Ellen group selfie?" Felix joked.

"Well, we might as well.." Doctor Stephanee knelt down in front of the bed and used my collapsible tripod to get a better angle. "Say McLoughlins!"

"McLoughlins!" We all said, smiling, and Seraphina sneezed.

"Aw!" I said. "I can't wait to be parents, Zoë..." I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding my hands to her belly bump.

"How much longer do you have?" Marzia asked.

"About six weeks.." Zoë said.


We went home as Zoë was getting tired and needed to get off of her feet, so when we left and said goodbye to the others, Zoë nearly fell asleep in the car.

"Zoë? Love? We're home.." I smiled.

"Oh... did I fall asleep?" She woke.

"Yeah... are you feeling okay?" I felt her forehead for a temperature.

"I'm okay.. it's been a really eventful day, and I'm still jet lagged.." She got out of the car. "Sh- Alfie.."

"Zoë? Let me carry you in..." I started to pick her up.

The Girl on the Streets ✹ ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now