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"Alfie?" Poppy knocked on the door.

"Come in.." I said.

"How're you feeling? I saw your text.. Who was with you?" She sat down.

"I guess this is as best of a time it'll be..." I said. "I'm falling for a girl..."

"Really?" Poppy smiled. "Why couldn't you tell me this before?"

"That's the thing.... She's dating Marcus.. and he is abusive to her," I closed my eyes, holding back tears. "If the police are involved with her still around Marcus.... he'll kill her for sure.."

"Wow...." She said. "You're in quite a mess..."

"She's so beautiful..." I said. "I wasn't able to speak the first time I saw her.."

"Halloween night?"

"Yeah.." I smiled. "When you drove up, I was walking toward a house.. she was inside.. shit, you need to get me out of here.."

"Why?" As I tried to get out of my hospital bed, she carefully pushed me back. "What's going on?"

"Marcus knew Z was here...." I said, starting to panic. "Her brother sent her a text, saying he was hurt... She went to go help her brother.."

"What's the address?" She asked me, bluntly. "Would Sean know it?"

"Yeah... It's about two blocks from where that Halloween party was... near the dog park."

Poppy grabbed her things and stormed out, saying, "I'll find her..."


Doctors came in and out, going over physical therapy exercises with me, and by the time I was left alone, the silence was interrupted.

"What's going on?" I yelled, asking doctors to explain.

"Oh dear!"

"Mum?" I asked. "Mum!"

"Alfie, she's hurt!" Mum ran into my hospital room.


"She's hurt!" Mum continued to cry. "Can you get up?"

"I'll need to be wheeled.." I said.


"I'm sorry, but your daughter is in surgery.." The nurse said. "Her injuries were serious, and Alfie... You need to rest.."

"I need to be there for my sister.." I said.

"We can get you a joint room, but if there's none available, I'm sorry.." The receptionist said. "Now please.. Go lay back down. Doctors' order." Mum took me back to my hospital room, and the nurse helped me back into my bed. After she left, Mum stayed with me.

"Do you know what happened to my sister?" I asked, trying not to tear up.

"I received a call from Sean, saying Poppy was nearly killed..." Mum covered her eyes. "She had been kicked and punched.... her breathing was erratic..."

"Where's Sean?" I sniffled.

"Mz. Deyes! Alfie!" Sean ran in, tears glistening under the bright lights.

"Have you heard anything?" Mum asked.

"She's...." Sean collapsed into a chair.

"No...." I said. "No, no, no..."


"No.... No.... No!" I woke up. "Nurse?"

"Is everything alright?" She came into my room.

The Girl on the Streets ✹ ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now