phase 2

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That was only phase one of our whole plan next we have to find a way to make a way to make as much money as possible.

"dani where are we goin next" steph says as she searched pockets of the clothes " depends on what u found in those pockets" I reply getting on the highway.We gotta think fast found 3 wallets and quite a bit of money." "count it up. And tell me how many credit cards there are too" she quickly counts the money and how many cards there are. " 16 cards and 2000 dollars"  I take an exit from the highway . "who did you steal the cards from?" I question as I look for stores. "mrs.Johnson Mr.Jackson and ms.Miller" "perfect. I know their signatures like the back of my hand" 


Daniel and I walked into the stores and bought clothes and as much snacks as we wanted. We went to the banks and cleaned the accounts out.  We had a good damn near 60 thousand dollars on us. "we are gonna need more money than this babe. We gotta be set when we leve the country." He says looking at me while I put on a new wig so that way if cameras see me they won't recognize me "so. What are we gonna do dani? " we gonna have to rob a few banks.." 

id.. did he just say rob banks?! "dani what the fuck!? I didn't sign up for this!" I say nervously "you signed up for this the minute you told me u loved me!" He snaped at me. " I do love you Daniel I love everything about u good and bad hun but why cant we just take wat we have and run!" "because that won't get us anywh-" "breaking news 2 mental institution patients break out killing a nurse and stealing a black jaguar with license plates numbers AHS27M9" 

"shit.. we Finna stay at this Hilton hotel tonight. Keep that wig on. And imma go pay for the room and when I come back grab everything and go to the room." He kisses my forehead.

Next thing I kno i wake up and we are in another car. 

"morning love. I bought this one. We only have a couple thousand left. So we have to rob a bank.." I ask no questions I get dressed brush my teeth and do my make up and brush my wig out While Daniel tells me his plan.

" so ms.Murray what type of acc- " the accountant was cut off By someone yelling "EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND RIGHT NOW!! And you gimmie the money!! Hurry up!!! He yelled at another accountant. I lay On the floor along with everyone else until I feel a stroong force snatch me up and a gun cocked and pressed to my temple "hurry up before a blow this bitches head off!!" The man yelled "p-please don't shoot me!!" I cry out letting tears stream down my face. "yall must want this bitch to die hurry up!!" The accountant hands him 3 bags filled with money. "I think this bitch is coming with me." "no! Please!!" He drags me out to the bank and to the car along with the money"

pregnant and HIV positive:mini prequel (roc royal and diggy simmons)Where stories live. Discover now