How Many Genders Are There?

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Welcome back my childrennnnn

How u doin?


Ok que bueno.

Today were gunna talk about gender!!!
-all the emo kids already preparing the Body Pillow Nukes for blast off-

Woa there.
Calm the f*ck down my child.

I dont know what i am. Mentally.

Physically, im a female.

Mentally... I dont know...
I wanna be a girl that dresses like a boy... I think that Gender is called.. Androgynous i believe. But like... I dont know that doesn't sound like me. Or maybe im just in denial...

Howeverplease dont make the mistake i am making i think. If you know that your a boy but born a girl then you be a boy. Or if your born a boy but mentally you know that you got tits and a vagina then you go be that girl.

If your the type that just doesn't have a gender then you go be your genderless self. You go be Genderfluid.

If you like me and you want to be a girl with tits and a vagina but you want to dress like a boy and you act like a boy then your... What is called Androgynous.

So to answer the question.
Gender isn't just boy(ya got yourself a handy penis) and girl(ya got tits and a hole to stick a penis in other then ur anus.) theres a bunch of genders... Its not just 2 its a Spectrum.

Gender is what you want to be; not what you are physically.

So you be you❤

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