To A Dear Friend Of Mine

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Hi, been a long time since weve talked old friendddd.

Want me to tell you something?

Your one year older then me.
Im also Bisexual.
But i have a boyfriend.
But i wanna let you know, that i have not seen your face, but i like your personality and id date you if i were free.

I dont know what it is with me liking people who are in actual problems.

Actual serious problems*

But i mean its good to know i at least tried to helped.

My boyfriend, has been threw something similar to what your going threw. And he still is but it isnt as serious.

I myself, get called names (slut, whore, ext.) by my birthgiver too but i seem to never care. I do care, and so does my boyfriend.

I cry and so does he.

Him and i have been together for a long time, were getting close to 2 years. During the 2 years ive been with him. Ive seen him change. Hes really happy now.

But it wasnt really easy.
I had to call the cops on his dad...
The cops.
They did something for us and his dad is still with him but if anything like that happens again my boyfriend presses a button and hes gone for ever.

Im 1 year younger then you.

On the other hand i dont need the cops and my situation isnt that serious. But you know what helps me?...

I tell myself that im lucky that im alive. Im lucky that i dont get sexually abused, or bullied or anything like that. And what i do have going on with me, atleast im alive.

Being alive is a gift Rosie.
You dont take back that gift.

You can hate the giver of the gift with all your heart but your still there.

Your lucky.

You've been blessed with the gift of life.

Youve been blessed with a living, working, body.(maybe idk if you have anything wrong with you)

Dont cut its wrist or thighs.
Dont deprive it of food.
Dont shame it.
Dont kill it, thats just plainly selfish.

Because theres always going to be someone who misses you.
Think of who you'll leave behind.

Im 1 year younger then you.

If i could help the person that i love so much.
Whats stopping you?
Are you scared?
Because if your scared you dont think correctly.
No ones going to save you if you dont ask someone that really can.
Dont say to me that the police doesn't do anything.
Because they did something for my boyfriend.

Dont tell your friend to not call the police on your parent because youll give her doubt.

Im not Christian, or one to pray, but im praying for you until your safe.

If you really do want help, then get it.
Find it.

Im doing this because i dont want to hear about your death.

I may not know you all that well Rosie, but I love you. Dont go.

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