Hello there random people that are reding this...

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I just wanna say this, I wrote this back when I was LIZX and not Parker. Back when I wasn't my OC. So some of this will be irrelevant for you.

So I will put a (LIZX's POV) on the top of the chapter if it was written at that time. And I will put (Parker's POV) if it's Parkers chapter.


let's just start off with-


Good job now you get a gold star!
*virtually comes out of your device and slaps a gold star on your forehead*

Anywho this is a book about random shit that Ima write about...

Let's hope I don't get sent to a mental hospital after a few people watch this because shit is not gonna be pretty. This is a warning. Don't come crying to me when you can't sleep because in your dreams your sister is getting raped by a fish, and your getting sold into child pornography center and in that case your just lucky...

Soo yeah let's start with some facts about me!

•My name is Jade Liz Hernandez

•I'm 12(yes I am writing all this and your gonna deal with it)

•I only have 3 mentally Disturbed friends; Alex; Cialin; and Kristal. Let's just say I watched the moment when Cialin became mental...

•I am Aquarius, which means I'm a rebel, which btw HELL YE!

•I'm dating someone already

•I am obsessed with Black Veil Brides, probably because I'm wierd.

•I'm also obsessed with Destery Smith(Cap'nDesDes), Nathan Owens(AhoyNateo), Johnny Guilbert, Pewds, Doctor Who(go thank Alex for that), YouTube, pretending I'm gonna be someone cool when I'm older but AHAHA that will never happen.

•I wear 11 bracelets on my left hand everyday with black boots and a black Cardigan, so consider me a half emo if you will just remember I will give zero fucks, although if you do hate on me-

"I will hunt you down; eat you alive, cuz I'm an animal, animal, yeah animals, yeah"

I'm 100% that's not how the song goes but no body will give a fuck.

So yeah my watt pad says that this is 296 words, I'm pretty sure it's more but oh well.

•if you ever meet me in real life(which I doubt) you can call me Jade; BUT ON WATTPAD PLEASE CALL ME
LIZX(Liz-kis) I will be so pissed if you don't!!!

Thats about it!
See you next time, hopefully,

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