Chapter 27

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My finger curled around the pen in my hand, a blank thought in my mind. What was I doing? What was I writing? Jacob walked into the room and took a seat next to me.

"Problem?" He asked.

"Not really."

"Okay then." Jacob stood back up and patted my arm, leaving a note there. With black knitted eyebrows, I slowly picked it up.
If you're writing a story it should be called Love Me Jacob Black. About us.
I sat it back down, this time on the left corner of the blank paper I scribbled the title Jacob suggested on the top gap. Then I began to write about what happened in the last six months. Jasper was standing behind me, reading over my shoulder all of A sudden.
"Can you help me here?"
"What do you need help with Allie?" He asked.
"Write about what it was like for you when you left."
Slowly Jasper wrote about the feelings he had, what he saw, what he heard, the heartbreak, the hallucination of me. He wrote a few pages and later he did another chapter.
"Thank you," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

Jacob's POV

I looked above me to where Alice's window was, my claws dug into the ground.

Love Me Jacob Black, I thought to myself. Seems like a good title.

I whimpered a little and turned away from the house, little Alice was back with Jasper, how would I ever get her back now? Maybe I couldn't see the future, but I felt like I would be more in Alice's life than ever, and soon. Until then, all I was, was Jacob Black.

A/N: this is the ending of Love me Jacob Black, but not the series. It would be cool if a fan made a trailer for my book. I'd post it on here and give you credit.

The second book will come out soon. Look for DONT FORGET ME JACOB BLACK, The second Love Me Jacob Black... and the new book for once upon a time fans A HOOKED WOLF, Ruby and Hook fanfic. Thank you for voting and reading and commenting and even following:) :) :)
One more thing; check out the song amnesia by Justin Timberlake, great song for the ending.

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