The End

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The rest of the year was pretty normal considering we're supernatural creatures.

Ally lived with me in Alaric house, her and Michael started dating pretty soon after she moved in. they are really cute together you can tell Michael would do anything for her I couldn't of picked a better person for her. They actually got married right after high school and had two kids, twins a boy and a girl she made me there godmother she says I'm going to be her family guarding I'm going to watch and take care of her children and there children and so on, I would do anything for her.

James and Claire got married a couple of years later and had 4 boys, I go and visit them every once in awhile .

Sara didn't see Joseph again till after college and they eloped in Vegas and had a little girl named Norma after Joseph sister.

Ezra and Ella never married but stayed together until she died of cancer he loved her very much .

After high school I stayed and moved in with Tyler he proposed at graduation and of course I said yes. We had a great couple of years until he died from a car crash when he was 35.

I've watched my friends get older and watch them get married and have kids.

I had to watch everyone of them die, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I check up on their family's every once in a while to make sure their okay.

Me and Ezra lost touch after Tyler died but fate pushed us back together again it was like no time had passed, but we were both different especially me, I had grown up a lot and made sure every day counted.

Believe it or not ezra actually asked me to marry him I still remember every word he said " Aria you are my family you always have and always will be I have loved you since that day I saw you I couldn't let you die I don't know why but it was like I had known you my whole life and I couldn't let anything happen to you. Over the years we both have grown as people we have loved and loss but we always knew we had each other, I'm not letting you go I want to spend my forever with you please please marry me" and of course I said yes

Everything that has happened in my life I would never take back it has made me the person i am today and I can't wait to see what my future hold.

Im so sad that Aria story is over 😥
Thanks everyone so much! I hoped you enjoyed my story!!!!!!!

Please read my other books on my page 😘

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