Chapter 17

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Me and Tyler get into a pretty intense video game battle and was he beating me YES but I don't give up that easy. James had a date so he left but drove Michael home

"Hey we are going to go" Claire says

"I'll drive her home after We're done" Tyler says, I don't say anything

"Okaay bye see you guys tomorrow" sara said with a wink as she shut the door

"Okay I think your cheating" I tell him

"No your just that bad" he said with a laugh

"You know you could take pity on me and let me win"

"I could but I won't" we start laughing

"Nice such a gentleman" I say with a laugh
He gets up and turns the game off

"Are you ready to go home?" He asks

"Not really. Do you want to go for a walk?" I suggest


We walk to his backyard that leads to the woods

"I hope we don't get lost in here" I say

"We won't I know these woods just stay close to me" he tells me

"I used to play out here all the time all day long my parents had to literally drag me back inside" he says

I smile "that's nice that you had a little place to escape"

"It was my escape still is I come out here and think. Did you ever have a place like that?"

"Kind of when I was upset at my parents or people at school I used to go to this abandoned playground and just swing on the swings for hours"

"When did you finally decide to go back home?"

"When I realized that no one is going to come look for me" I say with a shrug, I don't know why I'm telling him these things

He then looks at me and I can't help but look back I think he's about to kiss me but we both hear something and freeze,

"What was that" I say, o god what if it's the people that are taking out wolf packs

"Stay here" he says to me and starts walking but I follow him anyway I see something in the corner of my eye

"This way" I say and take off but I don't use my vampire speed

"Aria don't" he grabs my arm

"It's behind that rock" I point

"I'll see what it is" he walk over to the Rock and stares at something behind it

"What is it?" I walk over to him and look behind the rock and see a small black kitten

"O my god it's so cute" I gush

"You ready to head back" he says

"We can't leave it" I tell him

"It's a cat I'm sure it will be fine" he shrugs

I walk over to the kitten and pick it up it purrs in my arms Tyler looks at it with disgust
"You know it's cute" I smirk

"It's okay"

"I think I'm going to keep it. What should I name it?"

"I don't know mittens" he says sarcastically

"Good one umm how about Flynn"

"Why Flynn?"

"I always like tangled" I shrug

"Okay I guess Flynn it is" he reaches over a pets its head the cat growls at him

"He likes you" I say with a laugh

"I can tell. Let get you and Flynn home"

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