Chapter 11

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We get in a movie marathon popcorn and everything

"Why did you start school on a Friday?" James blurts out of nowhere"

"It was all last minute" I shrug

"We don't know that much about you" Sara says to me

"What do you want to know" I say and trying not to panic

"Who's your best friend?" Sara ask

"Her name is ally but I haven't talk to her in awhile" I really miss her I hope she's okay

"Okay your turn James" Sara says

"Hmm let me think do you have a boyfriend" he says with a wink

"No I'm not to big on dating"

"Whys that" Tyler ask

I want to say the truth that I don't like getting close to people because they always leave or hurt me but I just say "no reason" I can tell he doesn't buy it but doesn't say anything

"Your turn Michael" James says to him

"So what are you doing after you graduate" Michael shrugs like he doesn't really care

"travel" I smile

"Okay my turn have you travel any" Claire says

"Yeah I traveled a little after leaving home"
I say so it sound more like the truth

"Do you miss your parents" Tyler says all of a sudden

I'm shocked that he ask that but I don't blame him.

"not really we were never really close" I say hoping I don't sound mean it's the truth I don't miss them

"Okay now that you ask your questions I want to know something about each of you" I say trying to lighten the mood

"I'll go first"Claire says"I'm a vegetarian I love animal but not cats there evil" I try not to laugh

"My parents are divorced I have a little brother and I love to read Harry Potter books" Sara says then points to James

"Well you already know I'm awesome I'm on the football team, I have no siblings and Claire tried to make me come a vegetarian I lasted a weekend" he laughs

"Yeah he was so miserable that I went and bought him like ten cheeseburgers" Claire's says laughing with James

"I like computers, I have two tattoos that's basically it" Michael says with a shrug I guess that's better then nothing I then look at Tyler

"I have a sister, my parents died a couple years ago and I like being outside i hate when I'm indoors" I stare at him i feel horrible lying about my parents knowing his are actually dead I wish his sister would of told me so I could of come up with some other story.

Tyler smiles at me and I can't help but smile back

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