Chapter Twenty-Eight - An Asian Company That Makes Bricks Though.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight - An Asian Company That Makes Bricks Though.

I knew Rhys hadn’t slept much the night before. The violet shadows in the hollows beneath his eyes told me of his restless night. And the fact that there was around twelve empty biscuit packets littering the floor around us also told me he didn’t sleep. He always ate whenever he was worried or bored.

A thin shaft of the early sunlight filtered through the curtains, and rested on the wall to our right. It had just gone past half six in the morning, and I had no idea why I was awake. I was definitely not a morning person; most people who knew me could tell you that. Rhys wasn’t a morning person either, I’d have woken him up, but he looked absolutely wrecked.

So, laying in the semi-darkness all alone it was.

I mean, I had a seventeen year old boy sprawled out on top of me. I couldn’t exactly just shove him off, he’d kill me and besides he weighed a ton. And maybe I liked having him sprawled out on top of me?

Rhys’s breathing quickened, and I felt him stir. I gazed up at him, taking in his sleepy, half-opened eyes and lazy smile. And then he just dropped off to sleep again. How anti-climactic.

It had been three days since the hospital incident. I had two weeks and six days left. And I still didn’t know exactly who I was.

I had been doing a lot of thinking recently and thinking of all the holes in my life, and all the things that don’t add up. There’s a lot that doesn’t add up.

Why couldn’t I remember who that Alex was?

And why doesn’t Rhys spend more time at the hospital if he has leukaemia too?

Why did my mother just leave us?

Why did James just leave my life?

Why doesn’t my mother like Rhys?

“Stop thinking and cuddle damn it.” Rhys mumbled, burying his face in-between my boobs and glancing up at me innocently as if I had another packet of biscuits or something. Not that he needed anymore, he had already eaten around twelve packets in the past twelve hours. Or maybe he needed the biscuit or twenty, Rhys was looking quite skinny. Those biscuits would make him cuddlier and warmer and he’d be like a toaster, but a talking toaster!

“I am cuddling, just a squished version of cuddling.” I replied, speaking more to his hair than him.

“You know it’s sad when your boobs are better at cuddling than you are.” Rhys grinned, looking up at me at last. He shimmied up me, and I focused on his eyes willing myself not to get lost in the way his body felt against mine.

And he licked my eyebrow.

And then rolled off me and headed for the bathroom.

Alright then. Must not question that.


“Where are you taking me?” I nagged, untying my Doc Martens and throwing my socked feet up on the dashboard of Miranda’s car earning me a dirty look from Rhys. I didn’t move my feet, and just wiggled my toes to annoy him. He harrumphed, and ground his teeth. Mission annoy Rhys was successful.

“Why do your feet smell? Both those questions have the same answer. You won’t get an answer from me until you figure it out for yourself,” Rhys snapped, “Did you bring a coat?”

Oh, I see, he’s going for the ‘you’re annoying me so much but I’m not going to say anything as it’ll just satisfy your need to annoy me. But I’m also going to make sure you have a coat so you won’t freeze to death or anything’ angle. How original. It’s not like he hasn’t taken this angle before. “No, I didn’t bring a coat because you didn’t tell me where we were going so I remained optimistic and prayed we would be staying indoors where it’s toasty warm.” I rambled, still twitching my toes and hoping the stinky feet stench would waft over to Rhys.

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