Chapter Nine

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"What do I remember? I've told you, nothing." I say, fingering the end of my jumper.

"Somehow, I don't believe you," he replies.

"Casper, why are you asking?"

"You hardly sleep, Leah. You wake up nearly screaming all the time, it's hard not to think that you might remember something. Something you may not want to?"

I don't reply for a few seconds, letting his words sink in.

"How do you know about my nightmares?" I ask meeting his eyes.

"I don't sleep, so there's not much for me to do when you go to bed. I just sit in the chair," he replies softly.

"Great," I say, feeling embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you sleep quite beautifully actually, apart from the occasional drool," he laughs. Butterflies erupt when he said I slept beautifully, as for one thing, I knew that was a lie, and secondly, he basically called me beautiful.

"Thanks, I think," I laugh back.

There's a comfortable silence over us for a while, but I know that soon I'd have to answer his question.

"I remember the feeling of panic and dread," I start off saying. "I remember that the dread wasn't from the fear for my life, but for something else. Every night, that feeling rises again, and I get these flashes, of something. But when I wake up, I can never remember what they were." I look down into my coffee cup, now empty.

"I feel like there's more than just my memories missing, like there's something I should know, but also shouldn't. I know it doesn't make any sense," I say as his eyebrows knit together. "It's just how I feel about it."

"Fair enough," Casper replies.

I nod my head, still staring into my coffee mug.

"Didn't your mum say that the driver was drunk?"

"Yeah? So?"

"Well, maybe he remembers something," he answers.

"So what if he does?"

"I think we should go talk to him," he says, sitting up straighter.

I laugh cynically. "And by us, you mean me. Yeah, totally. I'll just go knock on the door of the guy who almost killed me and just casually ask what he remembers and if he saw anything weird that might explain my nightmares. 'Cause that will go down a treat." I say, sarcasm dripping off my tongue.

He rolls his eyes at my tone. "Leah, this could be good, it could give you the answers you need to get your memories back." I shake my head. "Look, you made me go digging around for answers, so now it's my turn to make you."

"Casper, I really don't think that's such a good idea," I say, still shaking my head.

"Too bad, cause we're doing it."

After having one more cup of coffee, we made our way back to the car and drove toward town. I knew who the guy was, and where he lived from the police report, but I'd never actually met him, which was odd. It was like, as soon as I woke up, everything was sorted already.

* * *

We get to the house in reasonable time, but now I'm actually here, I can't seem to gather the strength to get out the car. It feels wrong, like I won't like what I find in there.

But Casper won't stop staring at me as I sit behind the wheel, not moving.

"What?" I say, not looking at him. "Why are you staring at me?"

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