3. Idiot

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I entered the building with my head high.

There was a big hall with reception area in the right and in left there was a lounge where few people were sitting with their laptops or some were talking on phone.

Everything felt business in here.
Everyone was on a rush. I was overwhelmed by the surrounding.

I collected all my courage and took few deep breaths and went to the reception. The receptionist was busy chatting with other person beside me.
I cleared my throat,
"Hello, I have an interview here. "
She looked up,

"oh sorry I didn't see you, what's your name? "

"Kate Alan"

She searched something in the laptop and said,

"yes.!Ms Alan you have an interview on 11th Floor with Mr. Barnes, take left from here towards the elevators, at 11th floor there will be a reception which will guide you. I'll inform them that you have arrived. "

"Thanks.. Um"

"My name is Rachel Carter" she said with a smile.

"Thanks Rachel hope to see you around "

" Sure. All the best for you interview "

I bid goodbye and went for the elevators, I was walking looking at the paintings in the building when I was bumped into some one so hard that I fall on my butt.

"Ouch!! it hurts"

I said standing up.
The man in who I bumped into was just looking at me. He was really handsome and I don't know why but I think I have seen him somewhere . He has broad shoulders, muscles which could be seen through his white shirt, short wavy hairs, light brown color eyes, a little subtle , he could be a model . I was so lost that I did not know he was saying something.

"Sorry did you say something "

" Yes, I said stop staring at me, you can take a picture it will last", he said with a smirk

"What do you think of yourself, 1st you come out of no where, make me fall and now you are flirting" I shouted

"Excuse me, I'm not flirting, you are the one ogling at me and you are the one who bumped into me, any way get out of my way I have meeting to attend, I'm not free like you to wander in the hall looking here and there"

What the hell!!
"I'm not free as well, I have an interview, which I'm late because of you "
I snapped back and started walking towards the elevator.

He said something but I ignored.

We had attracted attention towards us. Everyone was staring at me with disbelief. I don't know what's happening so I decided to ignore it, I'm not going to ruin my interview because of some idiot.

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