Present time

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Sabine P.O.V
So after some time, I got used to the rules and Ezra started breaking them. I went on missions for Ryloth and continued training. That's the only way to become a general. Ezra and I had 2 daughters named Mira and Melody. Everything that happened before are memories,  and I was ready for the future.

Ezra: What are you doing?

Sabine: Just explaining how life worked out for us.

Ezra: Well thanks to your talking, the girls are up partying with music on high volume.

Sabine: They got that from you.

Ezra: But they got the creativity from you.

Sabine: Weird how life works out.

Ezra: Glad it did Wren. Glad it did.

Sabine P.O.V
Well, that's it. Let's just say I still remember that love comes from the people that love you most. Sometimes from the people you hated for 3 and 1/2 years.

~The End~

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