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AN: sorry for the ending of the last chapter, I tried making this chapter longer :3

Jungkook came running through the hospital door "what happened?! Where is he? Is he safe? Is he alive?!"

"In this room, the doctors are operating on him now." Taehyung said softly as he played with his hands.

Jungkook lifted Taehyung up by his collar "I swear to god Kim Taehyung if you did anything you're dead," Jungkook growled out.

Taehyung calmly removed Jungkook's hands from his collar "I did nothing. He called me." Jungkook's eyes widened and mumbled a quiet 'sorry' before sitting on the chair opposite him.

The others soon arrived and sensed the tension in the air yet they were still oblivious as to why " is he?" Jin asked hesitantly.

Taehyung was about to answer when the doctor came out "how is he?" Jungkook asked desperately.

He kept his straight face "he's stable, he's still a bit dazed out but you're allowed to go in and see him for a while."

"Thank you so much doctor." Jungkook said quickly before rushing into the room with the others close behind him. Jungkook brought the chair closer to the bed before sitting on it. The younger male took Hoseok's hand in his, he placed it against his forehead "you scared me so much hyung" Jungkook whispered softly.

"T-Taehyung?" Everyone's eyes including Jungkook's widened when they heard Hoseok's quiet yet raspy voice. Jungkook moved their intwined hands down to look at the elder.

"I'm here Hoseok" the called male held onto Hoseok's other hand and gave it a light squeeze "I'm right here."

Jungkook looked at the others, begging the others to leave with his eyes. Understanding what Jungkook wanted Jin ushered everyone out of the room, he closed the door behind him.

"You actually actually saved me..." Hoseok whispered out as his vision started to clear.

"Of course I did...I lost you once Hoseok...I won't ever lose you again." Taehyung rubbed small circles on the back of his hand with his thumb.

Before Hoseok could respond Jungkook spoke up "hyung...why did you do it?" Jungkook's voice wavered.

"I...I don't know..."

"Hung...what happened this week? You shut all of us shut me out."

"I'm sorry..."

"Tell me what happened this week Hoseok" Jungkook begged as he ignored Taehyung still caressing his boyfriend's hand.

"I...I really have it..." the words we're barely above a whisper but Jungkook understood.

"Wait...what do you have?" Taehyung looked confusingly at the pair.

"I...I..." Hoseok wasn't able to look at Taehyung, averting his eyes he mumbled out a soft 'schizophrenia'.



Hoseok kept his gaze down, he expected Taehyung to let go of his hand and be disgusted but he felt a light squeeze before arms wrapped around him

"Hoseok...I'm so sorry..." Taehyung whispered softly in his ear as Jungkook lightly rubbed circles on the back of Hoseok's hand.

Silience veiled the room for a couple of minutes before soft words escaped Hoseok's lips "I saw him..."

"Him? Who did you see?" Jungkook's eyebrows were furrowed as Taehyung pulled away to look at the elder's face.

"H-He's there..." Hoseok's eyes widened as he tightened his grip on Jungkook's hand and fisted Taehyung's shirt "h-he's right t-there!"

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