From Dawn until Dusk

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    Blood in the Cut- K

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    Blood in the Cut- K. Flay

    The funeral is quickly being prepared for, as it seems everybody didn't want to wait around with rotting corpses hanging about.

    I dug one of the holes myself, ready to simply fill it with dirt and a goodbye. It seems as though we still are setting the bodies off on a large barge; a combined effort between a few of the boys I don't know.

    It doesn't seem as though we will be setting that barge on fire though. That would hit a little too close to home.

    One of the holes isn't deep enough, so I move over to it, shoving my shovel deep into the earth. The quicker we can get this funeral over with, the quicker I can stop thinking about it, and the quicker I can move on with my life. This isn't exactly how I planned on spending my final day here.

    Johnny's hand is on my shoulder, and I shove him off. He may not have done this with his hands, but he let this happen. Not red handed, but tainted. Dirty soul, for his dirty body and twisted mind. More like a maze than a boy.

    "Calm down," he soothes. "Go take a shower."

    "I'm calm." I argue, dropping the shovel. "I'm so very calm."

    "Listen, everyone is upset right now-"

    "Because of you." I spit. "You knew his would happen-"

    "Keep your voice down." He instructs, shushing me.

    No one is around. All the boys are off moving the bodies, or healing the injured, or mourning the dead. It's just him and I, and a graveyard. The wake of the Earthquake he left here. The field of corpses his existence has brought.

    "Why? Afraid the ghosts will come to haunt you?" I demand. "The ghost of the guard you murdered to free your friends of the cages? Or how about the ghost of the boy you murdered who was standing in the Weaponry when you robbed it? You're lucky Sam didn't manage to execute me, and you're lucky I didn't die in that fire, or that would be on your hands too."

    "I didn't kill the boy in the weapons tent..." He says.

    "Then your neglect to stop it did." I shout. "Did you even know his name?"

    "Did you?" He asks, crossing his arms. "And if we are talking about neglect, we should look at you. It's your fault Lyle died because you couldn't save him, same goes for Eric and Sam. Pan killed them when coming to rescue you, don't you remember? Little bitch who needs a boy to save her-

    "Out of line." My voice is stern, hard like a brick wall.

"-and what about Dominique, you didn't stop his suicide, so I guess that counts too. The boy who got maul by a tiger, you didn't stop that either. Maybe we should bring up all those bodies in the fire, because you knew Dominique was planning something too and you didn't stop it."

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