The Second Day of the Game

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SONG TO LISTEN TO: I Found- Amber Run

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SONG TO LISTEN TO: I Found- Amber Run

    I slept, not soundly but I slept.

    The sun wakes me up, signaling that the morning has begun.

    But in Neverland, you can never be too sure. For all I know, it could be two in the afternoon. Time doesn't really have a coherent structure anymore.

    It illuminates the horizon, the darkness finally disappearing. Hopefully all the dastardly things that accompany it will go into hiding as well. Doing evil things is much harder when there are people around to see you.

    I slowly climb out of the tree. My throat is sore, and my hands are beginning to feel dry. I didn't drink or eat anything yesterday. I'm not sure if I drank or ate anything the day before that either. I stumble forward, steadying myself against a nearby tree.

    I think this game ends after the next night. I mean, yesterday was a full day. Maybe it's the dawn of tomorrow. That is, if dawn is when it's supposed to be.

    I spot berries and bend down to grab them. The squish in my hands, to a purple goop.

    Are these the berries that made me hallucinate?

    People can live for something like a month without eating, before they die. I can last until I get back to the camp. Whenever that may be.

    I can't tell if I'm actually confused by Pan's instructions, or if it's these woods.

    Nothing has really gone right when I've explored Neverland on my own. At least I haven't had a run in with that tiger.

    I stop and listen for anything. No sound. I don't know how to find the ocean. I don't even know how to find the cliff where I left James. I can't figure out if I hope someone found him or if I hope no one has. The boys here tend to be either hit or miss. If no one found him, I bet he's dead now. If anyone has, the odds are fifty-fifty.

    No use worrying about it now.

    I keep walking, until I reach a field. It's a large break in the otherwise dense forest. The grass is tall, taller than I am, the deep green towering over me. Sunlight bounces just over top, creating an immensely dark shadow, casted over me.

I turn around, heading back into the forest. The only thing that grass is good for is hiding people, or even animals. It's a good place to be ambushed.

I pause.

    I hear something. A twitch, or the snap of a branch or something. I have never had good hearing. I've also never been good at defending myself, or fighting, but in the dire need of the forest, things aren't the same.

    One thing that surprises me here, is that the forest is a very silent place. The only thing that makes sound is me. In the silence of the forest, the presence of others is always known.

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