Chapter 1

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(Stephen James as Alexio Ramones)

"Avery!" Simone called and I gave her a smile, heaving my bag higher up on my shoulder.

"Hey girl, how was your weekend?" I asked her, linking our arms together.

"You know, the usual. I went to dad's and he gave me a handful of money so that I'd stay put," she said while rolling her eyes. Simone's parents got a divorce 3 years ago. She visits her dad every other weekend, but he doesn't really care. All he does is give her money so that she can keep herself entertained while he rents some cheap hooker to keep him entertained over the weekend.

"He's a dick," I said and she nodded in agreement. We continued walking towards the school building, and took a moment to complain about how much high school sucks.

"Speaking of dicks, there's Alexio," Simone muttered, shooting him a glare. Alex had made it his mission to make everyone hate him since the day he started elementary school.

He shot spitballs at the back of people's heads, drew a penis on the whiteboard with a permanent marker on multiple occasions, hot-wired our very Catholic religions teacher's, Mrs. Edna's, car, so her stereo blasted death metal for three weeks until she got it fixed, and much more. He had done every prank anyone could think of.

"He's not that bad," I laughed. Simone rolled her eyes, giving me a look. The look.

"You're just too nice to admit it," she snorted. "Either way, did you hear about Hannah?" Oh here it comes. Simone's daily gossip.


"She and Evan broke up. Again. How often can two people break up without realizing they're clearly not meant to be together?" I laughed, because they had literally broken up a million times, but they kept getting back together.

"Well... Maybe they'll finally stay together this time!" I exclaimed. Simone's brown eyes gave me a doubtful look.


"Okay. Yeah, it's kind of sad," I agreed. We didn't have to stop by our lockers so I just went straight to chemistry while she went to history. I got seated by myself like usually, glancing up when I heard the familiar laugh of Alex. He entered the classroom with his arm around Becca's shoulders, talking to his best friend, Ernesto.

I bit my bottom lip, grabbed my pencil and was about to start scribbling when Alex's eyes met mine for a short moment. His lips quirked up ever so slightly before he went to his usual seat in the back.

My pencil stroked the paper lightly while I zoned out the class until I heard Mr. Dallas say my name.

"Sorry?" I asked in confusion. I looked at whatever he had written on the whiteboard and listened to him ask the question once again.

"Oh," I mumbled and put my pencil down. "Well, vinegar consists of two carbonate atoms, where one is connected to three hydrogens and the other has a double bond to an oxygen atom and a normal bond to another oxygen, which is connected to a hydrogen," I explained.

"Do you mind drawing it and giving me two other names for this acid?" He held his pen out to me. I left my desk and grabbed the pen, quickly drawing up the formula before writing Acetic acid and Ethanoic acid. I got back into my seat but not without hearing Ernesto cough "nerd" from the back of the classroom.

Class passed by soon enough and I packed up my stuff to meet Simone for French. I placed my legs across her lap while she offered me her hand. I grabbed my thin tipped pen and started drawing henna like shapes on her hand.

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