Chapter Thirteen

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Violettas POV (yes again):

I turn my head and look at the girls. They both look like they've seen a ghost. Maybe I should have told them about Leon... "Vilu?" They ask simultainously. I look back at Leon who is looking seriously arkward scratching the back of his neck. "Um... I..." I stutter. What the hell will I say? We aren't dating we're just friends... who kiss... The same thing happened with Fede and that caused Leon to run off. I can't believe myself. How the fuck am I supposed to explain this? "Look Cami... Fran..." I stutter, "I don't know how to explain this?" I look back at Leon. He stares into my eyes. "Well are you dating or is it not official yet?" Cami asks. Leon nods discreetly at me. "Nothings official yet..." I mutter to them. They run over and squeeze me tightly. "You're over Tomas!" They squeal as I struggle to breath. I push away from them and look at Leon. "Well I gotta get to work.." he says putting his music sheets in his bag and kissing me on the cheek. "Bye!" I yell after him. "Wow he's hotter than Tomas!" Cami excitedly squeals. "Hmm.. ya think so?" I smile at her. Her and Fran exchange a look. "SOMEONES IN LOVEEEE!!!" They yell. Hopefully nobody heard that.

Tomas POV:

Did I just hear right? Violettas in love. Sure they didn't say a name but she can't be in love. Like seriously I need her for my reputation. Why the hell is she not all over me?!? She can't of moved on like seriously! She is the only one for me and I will convince her of that.... even if its the last thing I do...

Leons POV:

I run to work and burst through the doors 5 minutes late. "Are you ever on time?!?" Lara screams chucking an apron at me. I take off my coat and put it on a rack. "Whats up with the coat? You literally never wear a coat!" She laughs. "Umm... it's cold at 5am in the park!" I blurt out. She looks at me in a strange way and I get why. "You know I won't ask!" She says. I give out a sigh of relief and start taking this group of girls order. "Heya fitty!" One girl winks at me whilst her friends smile uncontrollably at me. Well this will be a good time to get a tip. "Heya cuties what can I get for y'all today?" I wink at them. They give me their orders and I return back to Lara. She gives me a quick death glare before I go give the girls there order. They are pretty but Violetta is gorgeous and we are un-official yet almost official. He friends seemed excited about us going out but I know that not everyone will have that reaction. Especially Tomas. I don't want to be anywhere near him when he finds out.

Sorry I've been too busy with school to update my stories.. but over the holidays I'm going to try and update as much as possible. Xoxo

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