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The pink of the dawn was visible in the east of the city. Sitting in the early light, Dimitri and Lia were watching the sun rise. Although the days were still hot and humid, both of them had noticed the earlier sunsets and later sunrise. The seasons were changing. Soon it would be time for the captains and their people to start the movement south to milder regions. Winter in the city was harsh and in the years before the migration, too many had died in the frozen landscape. Over time the captains had learnt to move their people for the winter and in that way to save lives.

Dimitri sighed. It was barely morning and the now familiar ache in his head was starting. The winter movement would be a particularly challenging one this year. With the threat of the General still looming over the captains and their people, the movement of so many people would be the perfect opportunity for the General to attack. Women and children on buses and the impossible task of keeping the convoys together and guarded made for a very real chance of an attack.

Next to Dimitri, Lia stirred. She had been leaning against him watching the sun rise with him.

'Can I make you some coffee?' she murmured.

'In a bit,'Dimitri replied. 'Sit with me for a little while longer.'

He pulled her closer and kissed her gently. If he could have one wish it would be to freeze time in that moment. Lia in his arms and the quietness of the day.

The main hall was already packed full of people when Vlad went down to find Evgeny and Branislav. The additional people in the compound had added to the tensions and it was a full time job for the military to keep a tight grip on discipline. Although Vlad understood the necessity of combining the remaining captains and their people into one compound, he knew that it was not a long term solution. It had been nearly two weeks since the attack on Ivan and there had been no whisper of another attack. The spies had been unable to gather new information and the patrols reported no unusual activity. Igor remained in his compound and refused to meet with the other captains.

Across the hall, Vlad saw Branislav and Evgeny together in conversation.  Taking the opportunity, he moved across to them.

'Dimitri would like a meeting in an hour if would suit you,' he asked.

Branislav grunted his assent.

'I will be there, ' he replied.

Vlad looked at Evgeny. Of the two captains Vlad knew he was the more suspicious of Lia. Vlad stiffened as he anticipated a challenge from Evgeny.

'I will be there too,' he replied grudgingly.

Vlad hid his relief. Although he knew Dimitri had more influence and power than Evgeny, he also knew that this was not the time to widen division amongst the captains. Vlad did not envy the diplomatic tightrope that Dimitri had to walk. The constant balance between protecting Lia and defending his people must be exhausting.

The council chamber was full. Apart from the three captains there were council members from each of their councils as well as other military leaders. The winter migration was a serious topic and there were many decisions to be made.

Dimitri looked warily at the captains across the table. The ache in his head had grown substantially as the meeting went on. Three options lay on the table. All of them had dangers but all of them had merit too. Looking at the assembled captains and their inner council, he took a deep breath.

'We can leave the city now, earlier than usual. The danger in that choice is that in our haste we may leave less prepared than usual. If we encounter difficulties on the road to the south we may be unprepared for them.'

Dimitri saw the nods of agreement around the table.  He knew many supported this option. Life in the over crowded compound was putting strain on everyone.

'The option of not leaving for the winter I think we can agree is off the table,' Dimitri continued. 'The cold is too harsh for us to survive without significant loss of life'.

Again Dimitri saw heads nodding in agreement. That at least was a relief. When Evgeny had suggested that option, Dimitri had felt his heart sink. He could not have agreed to that option and it would have meant a fracture in their alliance.

'There is also the option of making our usual preparations and leaving at the time and pace we have always followed. The challenge in that option is that we have longer to keep the peace in this overcrowded compound'.

Having outlined the choices that faced the captains and the council, Dimitri sat back in his chair. His role was finished. Now it was for the council to decide.

Branislav lifted his hand for silence. It had been almost five minutes of noise as the discussions between the captains and their inner circle had raged on.

'I vote we leave now. It is earlier than usual that is true, but we need to move. The tension and inaction are putting strain on us as captains. Perhaps if we move earlier than expected we will catch the General off guard and prevent an attack.'

He had a point Dimitri thought. If the General was anticipating the captains following their usual patterns of migration then this early migration might stand a chance. Dimitri doubted that this small advantage would keep them safe from any attacks but perhaps it could be a start. And emptying the overcrowded compound sooner than expected was also appealing.

'I am in agreement with Branislav,' Dimitri said. 'But I do have one suggestion to add. Before we leave let us take a reconnaissance drive out to the southern pass. From that vantage point we can check the roads are clear and the path ahead is as smooth as possible'.

Around the table Dimitri could see nods of assent. The more cautious of the council were satisfied with this suggestion. It would also give the people an extra day to prepare for the long journey south.

'We leave tomorrow then at first light,' Dimitri continued. 'Each captain in his own transport with the advisors of his choice. Once we return we can set the process of leaving in motion.'

'Agreed', Evgeny and Branislav said in unison.

The council chamber emptied. Dimitri found himself alone with Vlad. He sensed Vlad's concern so he turned to look at him.

'Are we doing the right thing Captain?' Vlad asked him.

'None of us can answer that,' Dimitri replied. 'We are doing what we think is best for our people and that is all we can do for now.'

Vlad saw the strain on Dimitri's face and the lines of pain around his eyes. The burden of captaincy was not an easy one.

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