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It had been over a week since the kidnapping and although life in the compound was gradually returning to some sort of normal, many questions still remained. As Dimitri sat at his desk in the council room, he realised that soon he would have to make some difficult decisions about Lia. The bond between Vlad and Lia had grown stronger since the kidnapping. Initially Dimitri thought it was because of the guilt Vlad felt for allowing it to happen, but now he realised that it was also because of the memories he had seen on the screen during the memory search. The bond between Dimitri and Lia was tangible and the horror of that last scene still lingered in all of their minds. Alexi was not so forgiving. She had openly queried how Lia had managed to escape from the General. More disturbingly for Dimitri, Alexi was now insisting on another mind search under their compound doctor. She was still suspicious of the role that Lia played and was convinced that she was an assassin sent by the General to kill Dimitri.

Dimitri sighed deeply. He knew that some of the antagonism that Alexi felt towards Lia stemmed from her frustrated feelings towards him. There had been a time a few years ago when he had been aware of the growing feelings between himself and Alexi. But as attractive as she was, Dimitri had realised the dangers in that liason. Getting too involved was a weakness that an enemy could easily exploit. That was part of his growing unease with Lia. Already Igor knew of their bond and it was unlikely that he would keep that knowledge to himself. More worrying than that was whether Igor would take the risk of contacting the General too. Then there was the increasing requests from his own council to conduct another mind search on Lia to see how she had escaped from the General after that final, terrible scene. It had taken most of the week for Lia to recover from the physical and mental trauma of the memory search Igor had subjected her to. Dimitri really didn't want to tell her that she would undergo another one so soon again.

Dimitri sighed again. The responsibilities of a captain weighed heavily on him. The need to protect Lia and his love of her were so overwhelming. But he was also a captain to many who needed his protection and leadership. At least the summer meetings were drawing to a close and he could have some time to plan. Soon it would be time to move to the autumn  compound. The intense summer would be replaced by an extreme winter. Since the Great War, the seasons were so intense that the survivors had to move as the seasons changed. This needed to be co-ordinated and planned by the captains.

A knock interrupted Dimitri's thoughts.

'Come in,' he ordered.

Alexi entered at his command.

'What is it Alexi?' Dimitri asked.

'I know that we've been through this before but I really feel that we need to know what it is that Lia knows. Igor was right, her memories are the key to many things. How did she escape the General and why is she here now? These are all things we need to know so that we can protect our people.'

As Alexi spoke she could see Dimitri stiffen in his seat.

'I know what you're going to say,' she held up her hand to interrupt him. 'But you need to listen to me. This is not personal because you are sleeping with her. I got over my jealousy a long time ago. But you also have to be careful that you are not protecting her because you love her. You have to treat her like you would anyone else. If we knew that someone had information that would potentially be valuable to us, you know you wouldn't hesitate to do a memory search. Be careful that in protecting her you don't destroy all of your people.'

Dimitri looked at his desk. He knew Alexi was right. The knowledge in Lia's memories could help them to understand the threat of the General better. It could also give them valuable information about his weaknesses. If Lia had escaped from the General there must be weakness in his defence. So why did he hesitate? Was it fear for what he would see in a memory search? The last scene had included him after all. How had he and Lia escaped and where had she been for the seven years he had led the compound?

Dimitri looked up at Alexi.

'You are right,' he said. 'The information could save lives and help us to prepare for future conflict.'

Alexi smiled a triumphant smile.

'I will speak to Lia tonight and make an announcement tomorrow about the memory search.'

As Alexi left the room, Dimitri felt a heaviness settle on him. What had he just agreed to? How could he tell Lia that she would have to face such pain again?

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