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Below her, Alexi saw the drugged form of Lia move. As the memories became more intense and personal, the pain of the memory search would increase. Alexi knew that Lia had to be in a significant amount of pain by now. The memory on the screen was a traumatic one.

'She's starting to destabilise,' Alexi whispered to Dimitri. Glancing across at his face she realised that he was too focussed on the screen to notice the deterioration in Lia's condition. 

Following his gaze, Alexi saw that the image on the screen was breaking up as Lia's condition worsened. Images of the General were still on the screen but there were men now on the mat with Lia and Dimitri. Two men held each of them by the arms. Dimitri struggled to get free.

'Kill me and release her,' he shouted.

The General smiled an evil smile.

'If you refuse to fight I will kill you both,' he sneered.

'Then kill me,' Lia said. It was a risky move but perhaps as the General's favourite she had a better chance than Dimitri did of stopping this fight.

The General's smile became frozen on his face. He walked deliberately down to the mat. Reaching a hand up to Lia's face, he ran a finger down her cheek towards her mouth. She managed to keep her expression neutral.

'Ah Natalia,' he said. 'Do you think I want you after Dimitri has ruined you?'

Turning to his men, he gave the order.

'Kill them both'

Suddenly, a commotion below him, penetrated Dimitri's awareness.  Around the bed were medical personnel frantically trying to resuscitate Lia. The screens went dark.

Now was the time to act. Dimitri, Alexi and Vlad rushed to the end of the duct and jumped down into the room below them. Engrossed in trying to resuscitate Lia, the medics didn't notice them.

'I have a pulse,' one of them shouted.

Dimitri felt relief rushing through him. Taking advantage of the confusion around him he picked Lia up off the bed. Alexi moved to remove the wires and drips attached to Lia.

Igor turned around.  The commotion in the medical room finally penetrated his awareness. He looked across at Dimitri holding the unconscious Lia.

'Don't think this is over,' he shouted at Dimitri.

'You and the girl hold too many secrets to ever be safe. If I don't come for you, don't think that the General won't.  I don't know how you and the girl got away from him but I am pretty sure that he would pay good money to know you were back together again.'

Dimitri paused for a second. He knew that what Igor said was true, but right now he needed to get Lia out of here. Later on he could ask the questions and try to figure out what to do about the threat Igor and the General posed to him and Lia.

Dimitri turned around and left the room. Behind him, he could hear gunfire as Vlad and Alexi protected him from Igor's men. As he rounded the corner, Dimitri noticed more of Igor's men moving towards the main hall. It was time for him to get his men in to give back up to Vlad and Alexi.

Running as fast as he could with Lia in his arms, Dimitri rounded the corner and ran towards his men. Although he was exhausted, he felt so much relief. In his arms lay the most important thing in his life. Although there were too many questions to answer now, at least he understood their bond better. Most importantly he knew for sure that his love for Lia was stronger and older than he had realised.

DimitriWhere stories live. Discover now