Metal Bands

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Even though your braces are off, there's still more. At least, there was for me.

When I got my braces off, I though for sure I was done. Turns out braces aren't the whole thing. There's still metal and retainers.

After my braces were off my orthodontists explained to me about these metal chains/bands that go behind your teeth. To ensure your teeth don't more anymore, they have metal strips that go behind your teeth. It goes behind the top four teeth, and the bottom six teeth. It's super tiny, and not noticeable.

Now I know what you're thinking. It seems awful, but it really isn't. No one can see them unless you show them purposely. In fact, no one will even know you have them unless you tell them! It's perfectly hidden behind your teeth. I had also thought that they would bother me, but they don't! The first few days it did bother me just that it was there, but now I don't even notice them!

This metal band thing is actually more common then you would think. I started asking people who already had braces if they had the metal bands, and they did. It seriously isn't bad at all, and it makes me feel safer that my teeth will always look this nice! Trust me people.

Next up... retainers!

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