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Genre: FCHet, 

Characters: Éothain /ofc, various canon and already introduced OCs 

Rating: Mature Adult. This fic is not meant for children. Please monitor what your children read. It is your job. 

Disclaimer: I am Not Tolkien. No money, no suey. I’ll give them back when there’s nothing left of them. Except Gamling and Éomer. I’m keeping them.

Timeline: Immediately following the war. End of the 3rd age.

Setting: Rohan. Follows immediately after chapter 46 of Rider of the Mark

Warnings: Dark themes: hints and discussion of underage incestuous child abuse. 


Beta: Alex-Cat

Dedication: Blessed is he who is patient

Author's Notes: You NEED to read Rider of the Mark first.



Eadlyn stood in the Great Hall of Meduseld, head down, concentrating on the beautiful marble floors. To say she was terrified was an understatement. Her brother had been taken to the Wold, dragged to his death, her sister-in-law’s home, Woldenfeld cleansed of miscreants. Many blamed Eadlyn for what happened and Eadlyn couldn’t rightly blame them. She was weak, terrified of her own shadow most days, although the cause of her fear was now dead. But she had done things, horrible things, to protect herself and her son, things that were crimes against the citizens of the Riddermark and right now, this moment, she stood in front of the King of Rohan, where he would pronounce judgment. 

Éomer sat on his throne, holding her very fate in his hands. He could kill her. Béma, she wouldn’t blame him if he killed her. She only worried about her son. Chances are if he had her executed, Aefre and her husband, Gamling, would take over the raising of the boy. She sighed. Despite all that was wrong with her relationship with Aefre, she knew he would be raised well and taken care of.

But would she love him… 

The last of the King’s advisors left the dais, whispering, whispering. Gamling was there, the King’s right hand. He was unreadable. For not the first time, Eadlyn wondered about his relationship with Aefre. Lufian always laughed, always had a smile on his face. This one was stoic. Both he and the King stared hard at her. 

From somewhere, a hand took hers. Éowyn, the king’s sister, stood next to her and smiled gently. “I won’t let you stand alone, Eadlyn,” she whispered in her ear. 

“Eadlyn of the Wold,” Éomer’s voice boomed, carried across the Great Hall. Well, so much for her desire for a quiet, private sentencing. “Widow of Beadorouf, you are charged with serious crimes against Rohan.”

“My lord, please. I would beg for mercy.” Where Eadlyn found her voice, she didn’t know. 

“You may plead all you wish, I have already come to a decision.” Éowyn squeezed her hand. Éomer leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. “I am aware there are extenuating circumstances and I am deeply grieved of the atrocities committed by your brother that caused you and your son harm. I understand,” he stated pointedly, “that you have lived in fear much of your life. We do not blame you in that. However, you put others in danger by your actions and your secrecy, therefore I am ordering changes in your household.”

Changes? Household? She wasn’t to be executed?

“Gamling is now Marshal of the Wold and he is now your immediate overlord, answerable to me. If you have problems with him, I would suggest you talk to his wife, before you come to me.”

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