Serving Purpose

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Like the melodies of my favorite songs

Like the memories, I've chosen to never let go

Whether at the moment I was aware of them or not

Every experience was a lesson I've learned in life's class

And as I stopped fighting for good experiences thru bad

I also learned that fighting for something doesn't mean winning

I've learned that trusting and loving myself was enough for surviving

As I understood that every problem comes to inspire solution and experience

I've learned that talking about where I am or where I've been, doesn't help me go the distance
For when I stopped using justifications to excuse my state of presence 

That was the moment I began to manifest better circumstances 

Today I understand that my life is constantly changing as I am forever unfolding and expanding

I'm passionate to inspire and learn from every being as we reflect each other's energy

I'm happy to know we all serve a purpose in each other's lives as we co-write together the biography of our lives.

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