Chapter 6

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(Total Time Kidnapped: 1 Year, Four Months)

The thought occurred to me today. I've been stuck in his basement for over a year now. James hasn't found me yet. My parents hasn't found me yet. Nobody has found me. Rage flared up, but I calmed it once Bonnie started crying. To quiet her, I held her close to my chest. Moments later she was grabbing at my hair, laughing.

Another thought struck me. Bonnie was six months old now, and she was laughing and smiling and constantly reaching out for stuff. But I didn't want my baby growing up here. No matter what, I did not want my baby to say her first word here, or her first steps or her first birthday. I would not let it happen. But what choice did I have? Sit and wait here for James to come and get me? But if he hadn't found me yet would he ever find me?

Thoughts like these continued to plague my mind, the same mind that was desperate to escape from this place.

I heard the doors unlock and Jesse trot through the door, looking pleased. I looked at him questioningly and with dread.

Lately Jesse had been torturing me, physically and mentally. He looked for names that James had called me, told me what James was doing and so on. It made me long for James even more. When I wouldn't tell him things that he wanted to know, such as what James called me or other information, he'd cut me or rape me depending on the time of day. If he was drunk at night he'd rape, in the morning or early afternoon he'd cut. I already had around twenty cuts on my stomach, legs and arms, with bruises everywhere else. I'd been raped fifteen times in the past three months alone.

"What do you want?" I asked pitifully. When I acted weak I was hurt less, but raped more. I don't know what I preferred. From the glint in his eye I could tell I was about to be raped.

The worst thing about being raped was Bonnie locked in the closet. Of course I didn't want her out here, but being locked in a closet scarred a child. Well, I thought sourly, being locked in a basement with a maniac for a father figure scarred a child too.

"Jesse, please don't do this." I said as he grabbed a now-crying Bonnie out of my hands and walked towards the closet.

"Shut up you dumb shit!" He yelled at Bonnie.

"Don't yell at my daughter that way!" I yelled back. 

"Don't talk to me like that you little shit!" Jesse yelled back at me. Bonnie was now in the closet, closed doors and crying. My heart ached for my little baby.

Jesse stalked over to me and grabbed my waist, forcing my arms over his shoulders. Feeling rebellious, I placed my hands on his neck and squeezed. I saw him splutter for a moment, happy that he was helpless, just like me. I kept on seeing him splutter under my grip until I thought about something.

If I kill him, we wouldn't be able to get out. We'd starve. 

Based on that thought alone, I dropped my hands and pushed myself against the wall, afraid of what he'd do. 

Jesse coughed and gagged for a moment, sucking in air. When he recovered he looked up at me.

He was going to kill me, was the first thought that ran through my head. 

He stumbled over to me, unbalanced, and grabbed me by my hair, yanking me.


He kept punching and insulting and I briefly wondered when this was going to end. I had to fight back, I thought weakly, my vision filling with spots. 

I weakly landed a punch on his foot, since I was down on the ground. It didn't faze him at all and he kept punching and punching. 

I blacked out.

I woke up, and I didn't know how long I had been out or even what the time of day was.

My body hurt tremendously and my hands and feet were tied together. I had ended up on the bed.

I didn't see Bonnie anywhere.

"Bonnie?" I cried out weakly. No answer. My heart dropped and I was petrified of what happened to her.

Was she dead?

Was she hurt?

Was she okay?

Thoughts continued to race through my head, and with each thought I was more and more terrified of what happened to her.

Hours passed, but they may have only been minutes. I eventually heard the locks in the door open.

"Bonnie?" I cried out again weakly.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the mighty Belle Wayne?" Jesse said. Just his tone of voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Where is Bonnie?" I said again. I had to know where my baby was.

"Safe. You don't need to worry about her. I haven't hurt one hair on her little head. She'll be returned if you're a good girl."

"What do you want?" 

"I want you pledge yourself to me. You must do whatever I say, whenever I want."

"Hell no."

Jesse replied quickly. "Or I'll kill your little girl."

"Fine. I'll do it." I replied just as quickly. I would not sacrifice my baby girl for me.

"Every time you don't do what I say, I cut you five times, and I cut the little girl once. That's the first warning. Second warning, I tie you to this bed for five days without food and your baby. Third, the girl is dead."

"But she's your child. You wouldn't kill your own child." I said, fighting back.

"You underestimate me." He said coldly, and I shivered.

"Now pledge. Say after me. I will do whatever Jesse wants me to do on pain of torture and death."

I said it, knowing full well that the remainder of my time here was going to be spent in pure torture.

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