The Memories

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*1 week later
*Jessica's POV

"Checkmate," I clap, smiling from ear to ear. Reid looks up at me, confused, "That's not possible"

He studies the board, wondering what errors he made.

"What do you mean, 'that's not possible'? I totally just kicked your ass in chess!" I say.

Reid, still looking at the chess board answers, "I've never lost a game before."

"And I'm a newbie!" I laugh. I'm very competitive, don't judge.

Reid eventually smiles and admits defeat. He opens his mouth to say something when the doctor motions towards Reid to step outside.

Reid nods his head and stands up, "I'll be right back."

*Spencer's POV

The doctor and I step outside of the room. However he leaves, and Hotch takes his place From the look on his face, what he's about to say is something serious. Then again, Hotch's face always looks like that.

"We need to talk," Hotch says.

"What about?" But I knew what it was about.

"Reid, we extended our investigation, but we're finished and the director wants to give us another case. We need to go back to Quantico," Hotch retorts.

I exhale, "Okay. But just give me a few more-"

"We leave tonight, Spencer," Hotch states.

I stay quiet. Tonight? I can't leave tonight. She doesn't remember. She doesn't remember me. Call me selfish. But how can I leave the person I love?

I can't. I won't.

"Fine, then. I'll call the director and ask for a relocation."

Hotch's eyes go wide, "What? Spencer, I know you love this girl, but your whole life is in Quantico. Your friends, your godson, your career, that you have worked so hard to get is in Quantico. Plus, where would you work? When you ask for a relocation, they usually send yiu to a random office. You don't get to choose. You'd probably have to start from the bottom up-"

"There's an F.B.I. office in Sacramento. Also, the director owes me a favor," I respond.

Hotch's sighs, "You understand what you're doing, right?"

I nod, "I'm understand what I'm doing."

"Reid, what if she never regains her memory? What if she doesn't love you back?"

My jaw clenches. I respect Hotch I. I do. But he doesn't control my life.

"Those are risks I'm going to have to take," I say as I walk back into the hospital room. I close the door and sit down on the chair beside Jessica's bed.

"So, what should we do now?," I grab the TV Guide from the table near the sofa, "Oh! There's a great documentary about Pluto on PBS, I think it started a few minutes ago. What do you think-"

I look up to see Jessica staring at me with a frown.

She looks away and says, "You know, you guys talk loud."

*Jessica's POV

Reid puts the TV control down and looks at the floor, "You know, to have hearing like that is very rare these days, with headphones destroying our ear canals-",

"Reid! Why was that man calling you Spencer! Why was he talking about the F.B.I. and Quantico?!"

Reid swallows, but doesn't answer.

"What the hell is going on, Reid! I want answers! Everyone here is dodgy when I try to ask what happened to me. I'm sick and tired of it. You are the person who's been here every single day, helping me get through whatever it is I'm going through. Because everyone here looks at me with pity and I have no idea why! So stop telling me lies and start telling me the truth," I hadn't noticed it but the heart monitor starts beeping like crazy.

"Breathe, Jessica, breathe."

I breathe, calming my heart rate down.

Reid sighs, "My name is not Reid. Actually it's part of my name. It's my surname. My name is Spencer Reid. I'm an F.B.I agent with the Behavioral Analysis Unit."

I can't look at him in the eyes. So he was the Spencer I was talking about. But how did I know him?

"How do I know you?" I say, still not looking at him.

"A few weeks ago, my team and I were assigned a case here. A man was killing people and throwing their bodies in the American River. We were called in when a woman was kidnapped. While I was working, I was kidnapped by the unsub-"

"The what?" I ask.

"Unsub. Unknown subject. Anyway, he brought me to his lair and that's were I met the woman," I look up to find him looking back at me, "She looked broken, yet determined that that was not the end for her or me. Although she only knew me for a while, she kept me thinking positively. She was the most spectacular person I had ever met."

I feel tears form in my eyes. I don't know why, but the way he describes that woman shows that he really loves her, or loved her.

"She managed to escape and the F.B.I. had to gun down the unsub when he wouldn't cooperate," he pauses for a moment, "But while she was escaping, she was hit by a car."

Suddenly, my eyes lose focus and I start to hear a ringing sound. Everything around me turns white for a moment. Then the ringing stops when Reid puts his hand on top of mine.

"Did she-did she survive?"

"Yes," he answers, "She did."

"It was me, wasn't it?" I whisper, I start to sob as the memories start flooding into my head, like a tsunami, "Wasn't it?!"

Again, there's a ringing sound and I cover my ears, "Make it stop!" That only makes the ringing go louder, "Make it stop, please!"

"Make what stop? Jessica, are you okay? Jessica-" is all I hear Reid say as the ringing grows louder and whatever he's saying becomes mute.

Suddenly, I feel as if I'm pulled back into a memory. A sort of flash back:

"Please! Don't do this!" Daniel starts screaming, and I hear him being stabbed multiple times.

"No Daniel! I'm sorry!" I say, I feel myself shaking from the horror.

The video is over, but then a dark chuckle is heard, "This is what's going to happen to you, Dr. Spencer Reid. You shouldn't have investigated"

Spencer squeezes my hands, "Hey, don't listen to him. We're going to be okay. We need to be stronger than he is."

The memory becomes foggy again, and I'm brought back to reality, but the pain of losing Daniel comes back to me and I begin to scream.

Spencer looks alarmed and runs out the room yelling, "Hey! I need a doctor in here!"

By the second, my heart races even faster. The feelings of those lost memories make my body feel weak and exhausted.

I just want to sleep.

I close my eyes.

The last thing I hear is the noise of the heart monitor.


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