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Author's Note: Hey Wattpaders! I have decided to write a Criminal Minds fanfic starring Dr. Spencer Reid (a.k.a Matthew Gray Gubler). Anyways, ladies and gentlemen.....Chapter 1.

Spencer Reid's POV (Point of View)

"Please help me!"

"Don't worry, my name is Dr. Spencer Reid from the Behavior Analysis Unit of the F.B.I. You're safe now, I promise"


"Yes. Now come with me-"

A loud bang was heard and I see the woman collapse, a pool of blood forming around her.

I turn around to find a faceless monster chuckling, darkily. I point my gun at the person and fire. But the more I fire, the more bigger the person gets. He then says, "Oh, Spencer. Don't make promises you can't keep"

I open my eyes immediately and I look around, I'm on a plane. It was a dream, well, more like a nightmare. I look outside the window to see that it's still dark, I look at my watch and see that it's three in the morning.

I rub my eyes, "Gosh"

Morgan stirs and wakes up, "What? Reid?". He sits up, "You okay, man?"

"Yeah" I pause, "It was just a bad dream"

But Morgan didn't listen, since he was already fast asleep again. I lay back on the couch and I try to go to sleep, but I can't. So, I decide to look at the case files again.

These victims were first kidnapped and then a week later, were found dead.

The first victim was Gregory "Greg" Davis, age 27, 6'1", blonde hair, was found stabbed to death then thrown into the American River, which is in Sacramento, CA, which is where we're going.

The next victim was Daniel Foster, age 28, 5'11", black hair, was also found stabbed to death then thrown into the American River.

Greg was found a month earlier than Daniel. What's weird is that these guys have nothing in common, they don't have the same friends, they didn't go to the same schools, nothing. Except for the fact that they were killed the exact same way and found in the same location.

Now, we were called in when a third person was kidnapped. She's not dead, which is good, but unusual, since its been more than a week since she was kidnapped and a body hasn't turned up. That means that the unsub has a specific reason for keeping her longer.

Her name is Jessica Guzman. She's 27 years old, 5'7", and a brunette. She was last seen at a grocery store ten minutes away from her apartment.

We know that these kidnappings and murders are connected because, although Greg and Daniel didn't know each other, Jessica knew both of them.

I kept thinking about the case until six am, which is when the plane landed. I had to wake everyone up, which is hard since they were super tired, "JJ, Morgan, Rossi, Prentiss we landed"

Hotch didn't need to be woken up, he was already drinking his second cup of coffee, "Okay, let's all head to the police station and do a briefing there"

When we arrived at the police station, the head detective was waiting for us.

"Hello, I'm Detective Rogers, shall I show you were you and your team will be working?" he shook Hotch's hand.

"Hello Detective, I'm Agent Aaron Hotchner this is my team: Agent David Rossi, Agent Emily Prentiss, Agent Derek Morgan, Dr. Spencer Reid, and Agent Jennifer Jareau" Hotch introduces us.

"You can just call me JJ" JJ said.

The phone starts ringing, "This is the area we set up for you and your team. I have to take this phone call, excuse me." The detective walks away and answers the phone.

Morgan takes out his phone and calls Garcia, "You've reached the amazing, the beautiful, the talented, Penelope Garcia"

Morgan yawns, "Mornin' Garcia"

"Yikes. What time is it over there?" Garcia asks.

I answer for him, "The east coast is three hours ahead of the west coast. So, the time here is six-thirty am"

"Well, I am here for you guys if you guys need me" Penelope says.

"Thanks Babygirl" Morgan ends the call.

"Alright, let's review what we know about this case" Hotch says.

"We know that the two victims, Greg Davis and Daniel Foster, didn't know each other, but we do know that Jessica Guzman did know Greg and Daniel" I say.

Prentiss asks, "We know that Greg worked at the grocery story that's near Jessica's apartment. We looked at security cameras in the grocery store and found that Greg was once the cashier on one of Jessica's grocery shopping trips. But that's pretty much the only time they've ever communicated"

"When was this?" Hotch asks.

"One day prior to his kidnapping" JJ answers.

"Now with Daniel," Rossi explains, "It looked like they had already known each other. Sacramento P.D. interviewed a mutual friend, Maya Zunkeler, who says that she introduced Jessica to Daniel. Apparently they went on a date, but it wasn't meant to be"

"When was their date?" I ask.

JJ looks at the file with wide eyes, "One day prior to his kidnapping"

"They also found something in Greg's apartment" JJ adds, "They found a message written in red paint saying, 'I saw the way he looked at her'"

"Maybe the unsub is an ex-boyfriend", I comment.

Rossi shakes his head, "No, in the file it says that when they asked Jessica's friends and family if she was in a relationship with someone, they all said that she's never been in a relationship, just a few dates here and there"

"Maybe its a stalker. It can't be a coincidence that these guys disappear a day after being seen with Jessica, whether it was romantic or not, the unsub didn't care" Morgan comments.

"The message was 'I saw the way he looked at her' showed that he was jealous" I revise what I say, "Extremely jealous to the point of murder. Even though, he's not actually dating her"

"Then the unsub is someone she doesn't know, someone she's only met or seen once" Prentiss says.

"She forgot about him" JJ starts.

"But he remembered her" Hotch finishes for her, "Okay, Rossi and I will go to the crime scene, Emily and JJ will go to the morgue, Morgan go to the grocery store and see if there were any witnesses for both Greg and Jessica's kidnapping, and Reid go to Daniel's apartment and see if there was anything we missed there. Let's go!"

We leave the building knowing what our tasks are. I hope that we get to Jessica on time.

Author's Note: First chapter, check. Comment and vote! Hope you guys liked it. Until next time!!!

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