The Nightmare

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Spencer's POV

"So", a fist hits my ribs, "Tell me, Dr. Reid, that's right I know exactly who you are Mr. F.B.I. agent"

"I looked you up and found out that you're some kind of genius," he spat, then he smirks, "So, what are the statistics that I'm going to get away with this?"

I spit out blood, "I don't need statistics to tell me that you're not going to get away with this"

He punches me in the face, ow! That's going to leave a mark.

He's been beating me up for what felt like two hours, but from what his watch tells me, it's only been thirty minutes.

"Look, if you..... let us go now,.....and you cooperate with us,......the F.B.I. can cut a deal with you", I spit out more blood. I can't fight back beacuse he used my handcuffs to cuff my hands together behind my back and he used rope to tie my feet together.

He glared at me, "That's a lie!"

"No, it's not," I say in a reasurring tone, I then add, "Jessica has been telling me that she's afraid of you"

"No she's not! You're lying!," the unsub says.

I pause, "What's your name?" It's a long shot if he would tell me his name, but he did.

He drops his fist, but his glare hasn't left his face, "Jack"

"Jack, doing all these bad things, isn't going to win Jessica over-"

"I'm doing this for her! I'm doing this for us! Now, just shut up!" He was about to punch me again, I turned my head and closed my eyes, ready for the blow, but it never came. He started untying the rope on my feet, once he was finished, he started uncuffing me. Once he finished, he grabbed his gun and pointed it to my back, "Walk and don't do anything stupid"

I nod, and I try to stand up, but my legs hurt badly from being in a kneeling position for too long. I fall to my knees, making me wince. Jack rolls his eyes and grabs my arm, tightly, and takes me back to the cell.

He threw me into the cell and locked the door as he left. I groaned.

"Spencer! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" she kneeled over to me.

I lied, "I-I'm fine". She gently grabs my face and puts it in the light, "If fine means having a black eye and a few bruises on your face, then yes, you are fine"

It was quiet for a few minutes, until Jessica whispers, "We need to get out of here."

I simply sigh and nod my head, agreeing with her. I'm about to stand up when Jessica pulls me down, "Ow", I whine.

"Sorry," she says, "There is no way you are standing up right now, you need to rest. Sleep."

"Where? There's nowhere comfortable to sleep. Yes, I know, that it's actually good to sleep on a hard surface, since mattresses create and/or mask the body's current structural imbalances, impeding circulation and hampering the body from realigning itself during sleep-"

"Spencer," I turn to look at her.

"If that's a problem, then just sleep on my lap"

My face turned red, "Actually, it's okay, I don't want to impose-"

She shrugs, "It's fine, you're not imposing"

I move closer to her and lay my head on her lap, she leans her head on the wall and goes to sleep too.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

"Dr. Reid. Dr. Reid. Dr. Reid", someone whispers.

I wake up and notice that I'm in a small dark room. There is nothing. Just me in a chair, by myself. Or so I thought.

"Spencer?" someone cries. A spotlight is shown on Jessica. She sits across from me, she's panicking, struggling to get out of a chair. I then notice that both of us are tied up to our chairs.

"Jessica, calm down," though honestly, I was panicking too, "Our minds can't think clearly if we're panicking"

"We need to get out of here!" she says.

Suddenly, the same faceless monster from all of my nightmares shows up, he has a gun in his hand. What surprises me is that he unties me and gives me the gun.

"Shoot her"

"What?", I turn to look at him, but he isn't behind me anymore. Instead, he's behind Jessica. She screams when he puts the gun behind her head, "Either you shoot her or I will"

"Help me Spencer! Please!", Jessica pleads.

I look at her and my heart breaks. I have to do something, I point the gun at him, "Jessica, everything is going to be okay, I promise"

"Put the gun down! NOW!", I say. The faceless unsub just chuckles, darkily, "Oh, Spencer, don't make promises you can't keep"

Before I can react to what he says, he pulls the trigger, but not at her, at me, he shoots me near my left rib. He didn't kill me. Why?

As I fall to the ground, I hear Jessica yell, "No! Spencer-".

But a loud "BANG!" covers her voice. I watch the light leave her eyes. And here I am, not able to do anything.

She's dead.

I want to reach out to her, but she's so far away and I'm too weak. I now know why he didn't want to kill me immediately.

"I wanted you to see me kill the woman you love before I killed you", he spat.

And with that, everything goes dark.

"Jessica!", I sit up, wincing. I wake her up, alarmed, "Spencer, you okay?"

"Yeah" I rub my eyes, "Just uh, just a bad dream"

"Okay, do you want to talk about it? My grandma always says that if you say your bad dreams out loud, they won't happen", she says.

I give her a small smile, she doesn't know about my nightmares, no one does. In my nightmares, it's always me, a victim, and the faceless unsub. Usually, the victim is someone I don't know, but this time Jessica was the victim.

"It's nothing," I tell her. I don't think she believes me, but she doesn't ask any further questions.

Suddenly, the cell door opens. Jack walks in with a smile, "Jessica, darling, let's go out for some dinner"

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" she exclaims.

Jack's smile disappears and is replaced by a frown, "We talked about this Jessica. Do you want me to hurt Dr. Reid again?"

She looks at me then back at Jack, "No."

He motioned for her to come out, "Then come on, I'm hungry, and I bet you are too"

Before she leaves, she looks at me again, and she mouths, I'm going to try.

The cell door closes behind them.

Author's Note: iHola chicos de Wattpad! Hope you guys liked the chapter, comment and vote! Tell me what you thought.

I dedicated this chapter to one of my favorite authors on Wattpad, RubixCube89201, she writes awesome books, *cough-cough* The Good Girl's Bad Boys.

Anyways, Until Next Time.........

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