The Aftermath

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No One's POV

*At Sacramento P.D. Station

It's been three days since Dr. Spencer Reid was kidnapped by the unsub. The team has been working non-stop since they received Spencer's last words before he went missing,

"Hey Morgan, it's Reid. I think I found something in Daniel's apartment. It's a-".

The phone then drops to the phone and you can heat the unsub saying, "You'll never be able to stop me."

When Morgan first got the message, he called everyone on the team immediately and drove fast, gaining a few tickets along the way. How could this happen again?, he thought. He didn't want to think of the possibility of losing one of his best friends.

Morgan puts the phone up to his ear, "Come on, come on! Pick up!"

"Hey Morgan-", Prentiss begins.

"Prentiss, put me on speaker" Morgan added, "Let me call Garcia"

"Okay", Morgan puts her on hold.

"Hey beautiful-", Garcia begins

"Garcia listen to me. I need you to get on the next flight to Sacramento, CA. Reid", he paused.

"What Morgan? What happened to Reid?", Garcia's usual happy tone, turns worried.

"He's been kidnapped by our unsub"

"Oh God. I'm on my way", Garcia ends the phone call.

Morgan goes back to Prentiss and the rest of the team, "Guys, something's happened to Reid"

"What happened?", JJ asks immediately.

"He's been kidnapped. From the voicemail that I got, Reid didn't see it coming"

Hotch says, "How far away are you?"

He stops the car and enters the police department, "I'm already here."

He ends the phone call and walks up to them. None of them say anything until Morgan says, "This can't be happening again"

"This has happened before?" Rossi asks, "Damn"

Hotch doesn't look at anyone, he just looks at the pin board, he's angry, though he hides it very well, "Okay, we need to start from the beginning. We can add to the profile that the unsub revisits the location that he kidnapped the victims"

They continued talking about the profile. Garcia arrived late at night. She set up her things and got to work.
They were all distraught with the news that one of their own has been kidnapped, but they had to put that aside to focus. The more they work, the closer they get to findind out who the unsub is and where he's keeping Spencer and Jessica.

*Three days later*

"I got the results back as to what the red paint was in Daniel's apartment. It was Daniel's blood. When Sac P.D. found the message written in Greg's apartment, that message was written in paint and the message was in the living room. Daniel's message was written after he was killed and was written in his blood. Also, the unsub wrote it in his bedroom. He then locked the door. Why?", Prentiss exhales.

Before anyone can add anything, JJ rushes into the room, "Guys we need to go to the hospital now."

"The hospital?" Garcia asks.

"Looks like Jessica escaped from the unsub", JJ says.

Hotch then says, "Okay, JJ and Morgan will come with me to the hospital while the rest of you stay here. We'll call if we know something"

Garcia continues typing on her computer, "Yes sir"

"Let's go", Hotch, JJ, and Morgan leave the police station.

*At the hospital*

Hotch, JJ, and Morgan have their badges ready to show to the receptionist.

"Ma'am, we're with the F.B.I., would you mind answering a few questions?", Morgan asks.

"Of course, what can I help you with?", the nurse responds.

"You received a Jane Doe patient is that correct? Could you describe what type of accident she was in?", Hotch questions.

"Oh yeah, poor girl, she was in a car accident. The driver called 911, apparently the driver was driving when suddenly the girl appeared out of nowhere. She's in critical condition, there were no complications during surgery, but she's in a coma right now. Doctors say she's got a 35% chance of life."

"How does the girl look like?", JJ asks.

"Well, from what I could tell, she had brunette hair, looked like she was in her mid to late twenties."

JJ turns to Hotch, "This could be Jessica"

Hotch nods his head, "Thank you. What room is she in?"

"Room number 314", she points to the hallway where the room is located.

"Hotch, why don't you and Morgan go back to the station, I'll stay here and keep you guys updated", JJ says.

"Alright, keep us informed," Hotch takes out his cellphone to call someone.

Morgan turns to JJ, "You sure?"

JJ nods, "I'm going to wait in her room."

Morgan nods and they both go their separate ways.

JJ finds room 314 and sits down on one of the chairs. She sees Jessica and gasps. Jessica has a cast on her right arm and she has a cast over her left leg. She has a black eye and bruises on her left arm.

Before JJ could sit down, she notices something twitching on Jessica's face. She walks over to her and notices that her right eye is twitching. She's awake.

She's about to call the doctor when Jessica's eyes open. JJ walks over to her and says, "Hi Jessica. My name is Jennifer Jareau and I'm with the F.B.I. After the doctor checks on you, I was wondering if you could answer some questions?"

Jessica doesn't answer though, instead her eyes look around the room frantically, her heart starts pounding, she starts to panic. She yells, "Where am I?! Spencer! Spencer! Spencer!"

JJ calls the doctor and notices that the machines next to Jessica start beeping crazily. A doctor and two nurses run in. One nurse holds Jessica down as the doctor tries to give her an injection that will calm her down. The other nurse turns to JJ and says, "Ma'am, we're going to need some space. Could you please leave the room?"

JJ nods and walks out and closes the door, but before she does, she continues hearing Jessica cry-out, "Spencer! Spencer! Spencer!"

Author's Note: Jessica's alive! But has she gone crazy? Comment and Vote! Until Next Time.....

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