Chapter Twelve

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I stood looking at the sight before me. I could feel the rage flow threw my body. I was seeing red. I wanted this asses blood. I want to rip him from limb to limb. Roman had my mates leg between his jaws. I could see she was out cold, the pain knocked her out. I am glad for that. 

I let a deadly rumble pass threw my body, up my cheat and out my mouth. Everything stopped. Roman let go of my mate's leg and slowly turned to face me. I took one single leap from the landing. I did not touch one step and I landed in front of him, lips pulled back in a snarl.

He lunged at me but I side stepped him. I aimed for his thigh and sunk my teeth in. He yelped in pain. I put more pressure on his thigh, then ripped a chunk out of him. He picked up his hind leg, to take any weight off it. He limped and got ready to attack again. He lunged at me again and got my front leg. I yelped and shook him off. I lept up and came down on his back biting into his neck. I got my teeth in as far as they would go. 

He tried tossing me off but since I took a piece out of him, he could not. I stayed latched on. He kept bucking me, my body wildly going all over. He slung me off to the side, but I was still attached to his scruff. Roman threw all his body weight into the wall, knocking me off him. Slamming into the wall put me into a daze. He came at me and threw his head into my ribs. I felt the impact hard and yelp in pain. I could some ribs snap. 

I slowly got to my feet. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ben holding CayLynn in his arms, pale and shaking from what he was witnessing. He was as far as he could get into the corner. I hope he doesn't change his mind about us. I love CayLynn to much. Donna loves him with all her heart. She has waited along time to met her mate. 

Farther down, I saw Donna kicking the hell out of another wolf. She was laying into him. She is our best female fighter. She is no joke. I heard a growl and looked at Roman. Then I heard from the top of the stairs.

"STOP!" my father shouted. We stopped and looked at him, as he descended the stairs. Roman back up and I did too. Donna bowed her head, but the other wolf just laid on the ground panting. Bleeding. "Roman, please shift back. I want to talk to you."

"Roman, listen to him!" I heard Trevor's voice and he came running down the stairs. I growled. "Hold on Byron, please!" he pleaded with me. Donna went over to Ben and I went to CayLynn. We both shift and my ribs screamed in pain. Donna grabbed Ben into her arms. He didn't pull away but hung onto her. I gathered CayLynn into mine and kissed her whole face.

She was skinny. I could see faint outlines of her ribs. I shook and felt tears flow down my face. They abused her. She had bruising all over her body. Everything I saw just pissed me off more. I wanted to kill them all, but since my father asked for us to stop I will.

We sat in Roman's office all shifted back to our human forms. CayLynn was on the couch out still, our doctor taking care of her. My poor mate.

"Roman, in 1961, your parents, Trevor's parents as well as Ellie and I were all set up. the attack that took place was set up, but not by my pack or me. Trust me, if it was a set up Ellie wouldn't have been there. We lots our pups from that attack and Ellie almost died as well." my dad explained.

"Ok, if it was set up, who set everyone up?" Roman asked, not believing my father one bit.

"My aunt and uncle." Trevor's voice rang out. Roman's face whipped around to met trevor's eyes.

"You're lying!" Roman hissed.

"No, I'm not." was all he said. 

"Why would they do that? What could they gain from killing our parents and almost Byron's?" he questioned, still not believing.

Book One: My Ghostly Wolf Protector (Supernatural Series) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now