Chapter Three

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It was the first day back to school after a long summer. The rest of my summer was a blast. I hung out with Byron and his friends. Dad also joined me over there and he got along great with everyone. He has stopped drinking, saying its not what the family would want. I was very excited about this news. It was great to see him getting out and making friends. For once, we both had friends. It was nice. Dad worked long hours, but still always made time for me. he made sure of it.

Axe is still hanging around me. He loves watching over me. I like it too. He told me how Tallis and him are mates. He misses him a lot. I can't blame him. Tallis also told me how much he loved Axe. Guess when a mate dies, the surviving one stays mate less until death. It's kind of sad to know that, but Tallis said he is fine with that. He doesn't want anyone else. I think it's sweet.

Byron and I have gotten closer. He confessed that I was indeed his mate but wanted to take the time to get to know me. That is fine with me. Dad really likes Byron, so that is good. We hung out the rest of the summer, just enjoying each other's company. Axe was always there, watching with a beaming smile. He told me how happy he is to see his brother had finally found his mate. He is also glad it's me and that I will be his sister-in-law. I am happy too.

I walked onto the school property and Zel walked up to me along with her clones. This is not what I missed at all. I'm kind of missing the fact summer is over. I really don't want to deal with her or anyone else's shit this year.

"Hey freak! I am surprised you're here. I mean no one likes you at all, ya know. You should just turn around and go back to wherever it is you came from." Zel sneered at me.

"I believe you need to just lay off her, Zel." I heard Byron's voice from behind me. I was happy to hear his voice.

"Oh baby, but she is a freak!' she whined, stomping her foot. I just raised my brows at that.

"Zel hear me now. One, she is no freak. Two, I am mostly definitely not your baby. And three, grow the hell up!" Byron growled. Zel just looked at him, then to me glaring, turned and walked off. I can already hear the whining coming on.

"Thanks.' I said looking back at him.

"It's no problem at all. He here with you?" he asked me.

"Yeah, always is." I said looking to Axe. He was next to Tallis. They are just so cute together. I wish Axe was alive, so they could be together.

"Wait. He comes to school with you?" Byron asked, looking some what shocked.

"Yeah. Has for the past three years." I told him, nonchalant. 

"Oh okay." he replied. I started for the door, hearing footsteps following me. I knew it was Byron, Tallis, Jayce and a few others. People just stared at us. Most be a shocking sight, considering this time last year they wouldn't even come near me since I was such a freak. I am part that though. I wasn't even hurt by it. I really just didn't care and still don't care what anyone thinks about me.

I sat in my first class of the day. Literature. I loved this class, it is always so interesting to learn. Yeah, I am a school geek. It's apart of who I am. Byron was in this class. It was weird to have him sitting next to me. The bell hasn't even rung so kids are still pouring in. 

I looked at the door to see a good looking kid walk in. It was one of Byron's friends, Trevor. I'm not sure what he is. Makes me wonder is he human, vampire, were or what. I turned and looked at Byron who was talking to another one of his friends. James. He is a vampire.

Book One: My Ghostly Wolf Protector (Supernatural Series) EDITINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant