Chapter Seven

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I sat here, trying to get a hold of CayLynn, but she wasn't answering her phone. It was making me nervous. It was three hours after school let out and by now we would be talking to each other. I even called her dad. He said, she could be napping. It was true, she did do that. I've woken her up plenty of times from her naps.

I was watching Tallis and Jayce play video games but I wasn't into it. I am worrying about my mate. Yeah, I guess you can say I am whipped. Ok, very whipped. But I don't care. I love her. She is my other half. I knew this for years but I was mad at her cause I thought she was lying about seeing my brother. She wasn't though. So now I have her. She just isn't answering her phone.

I swore I heard what sounded like running water. "Guys pause the game for a minute!" I ordered. They did. I listened closer and sure enough it was running water. Coming from upstairs. What the hell. I got up along with the guys.

We headed upstairs and the rush of water was coming from my bathroom. I threw my door open. Must be Axe. She said for him to leave messages on smokey mirrors. Guess he wants to talk. I walked over to my bathroom door and switch on the light. Right there on the mirror was the most horrific words.


My heart stopped, then my anger and rage set in. Whoever took my mate will pay. I could feel my wolf coming to the surface. He wanted her back as much as I did, if not more. He loves her to death and was pissed that I was mean to her. 

"DAD!" I roared threw the house. I could feel it shake. That's the Alpha blood in. I heard multiple foot steps enter my room.

"Son, what is it?" my dad was in panic. I just pointed to the mirror. I heard my dad's growl. "Alright, we will find her and kill whoever dared mess with our pack." his voice rumbled with power. Growls erupted around my room and out of the corner of my eye I saw her dad. His face was pale. I relaxed some walking over to him.

"We will find her! I swear to it!" I said, sad that he has to go threw this. Donna was there too. She put her arm around him. I watched him bury his face into her neck, and a sob break threw him. It tore me up. Everyone looked tore up about this. She was apart of this pack, and family.

"Alright, planning time. We need to know who did this." my dad went right into Alpha mode. "First, we need to know who and why they took her. That is the most important thing right now."

"How do we do this?" CayLynn's dad, Ben said. Everyone looked at him and the look in his eyes scared me.

"Byron-" my dad started but was cut of by Tallis.

"Alpha, the mirror!" he pointed in my bathroom. We all looked to see what it said, and what we all saw made growls erupt louder than before.


That's the ass who took my brother. Now we know who it is, the plan has change. The guy just messed with the wrong pack. He also took the wrong Alpha to be's mate. I could feel myself shaking and my wolf wanted out. Hell I wanted him out so he could hunt this ass down and eat him.

We all sat in the meeting room, planning how to attack. Ben was there and determined to get his daughter back. Normally, we wouldn't want the humans of this pack in a fight like this, but after everything he has already lost, we weren't going to tell him no. Hell, we may wolves but he scary even to us. I have never seen a human this protective over there child, but he wasn't just anyone. He was a man who already lost a wife, son and another daughter. So for this to happen, I know for him he will go to the depths of hell to get her back, even if it means his life.

Hell I have such great respect for this man. After all he lost, he still was there for his daughter. Taking care of her and everything. I know most wolves, mainly with Alpha blood, wouldn't have respect for humans, but I do for this man.

"Alright, somehow we need to get a hold of Axe. So he can tell us what he knows." my dad mumbled, deep in thought. I looked over at my dad's desk to see a pen floating. Creepy.

"Uh, dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, son?" he looked at me. I pointed to the pen and all heads swung that way. We all rushed over to see what was being written down. 

Roman is blaming us for his dad's death. It's why they took me, and now why they took Cay. I have no idea what he was talking about, but he didn't believe me.

It was there in plain English. He was blaming us for his father's death. We had nothing to do with it. It was all a set up. Roman used to be an ally pack to us, until his dad's death. I can't believe this. We loved his father. He was a great man and always by the Laws of the Wolves. He never strayed from them. 

"Well, this is messed up." Ben muttered. I nodded in agreement. I hope he didn't hate us. "Hm, have to think of something."

"One things is for sure though. We never killed his father. That man was, is, a brother to me" my dad explained. Ben nodded in understanding, Thank you he wasn't wanting our heads for this. I think at this moment he scares me more than Roman. Now that is saying something. 

The meeting ended. We were just going to confront Roman about this. I really don't want to fight, but if we have to, we are ready to do so. I just want my mate back. I miss her. Now I know Tallis feels. Lost, lonely and confused as hell.

I sat in my bedroom, thinking about her. i can't sleep even though I try too. I need my energy, but all that runs threw my mind is CayLynn. I try my hardest to sleep and finally after tossing and turning for hours, I fall into a restless sleep. With my mate's face right there. Begging me to find her.

I will find you, my love. That's a promise I will not break!

Book One: My Ghostly Wolf Protector (Supernatural Series) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now