start again.

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Sunday, September 1st.

"Riley, Could you go pick up some fresh fruit from the market? I'm making your favourite!" Grandma Amy asked. I picked up the car keys and nodded.

"Riley, don't crash the car." Grandpa Alan joked. I smiled then chuckled before putting on my boots and walking out to the car.

I unlocked it and got inside. It was extremely cold out. I put on some gloves so that the steering wheel didn't freeze me.

I started the car and drove. My phone has been broken since I moved here. I accidentally dropped it in water and now it won't turn on. I'm too scared to ask for a new one so I have been saving up.

I quickly drove to the market and walked inside. I got a basket and began loading it with all kinds of fruit. "Riley?" A voice questioned.

I quickly spun around to see an old friend of mine. His name is Ethan. "Hi Ethan!" I smiled and he hugged me. He's more friendly than I remember.

"How's life been treating you? I'm sorry about your parents." He said and I felt myself fake smile.

"Uh yeah, life has been treating me pretty great." I lied while looking at the basket of fruit. "I've gotta go... I'll talk to you later." I began to walk away.

"Do you have a phone number?" He asked and I stopped in my tracks.

"no sorry..." I continued to walk. I paid for the fruit then quickly drove home.

I went around to the back door and saw Feeny trimming his flowers I smiled.

"Hello Miss.Matthews, how has your day been?" He put a pause on his flower trimming. I chuckled.

"Feeny, its only nine o'clock. My day hasn't even started yet!" I smiled and he chuckled.

"I guess you're right." He said before I walked inside and set the fruit on the counter.

"Oh thank you sweetie!" She kissed my cheek and continued to make the pie.

I went to the living room and sat down on the couch ready to watch some tv. My grandpa came and sat beside me. "Where's your phone Riley?" He asked and I became frantic.

"I um- it broke when I moved here." I replied and he nodded.

"well, here you go." He said while passing me a new iPhone. My eyebrows furrowed. "You're a good kid Riley. You deserve it."

"thanks grandpa." I hugged him before taking it out of the box and turning it on. I quickly ran up to my room and jumped onto the bed. I logged into my iMessage and got all my apps back. Messages started to flood in. I couldn't read them all.

I quickly got on iCloud and found Maya's number I called her.

"hello, who is this?" I heard her strong voice. I smiled.

"Maya, It's Riley!" I cheered. I heard shuffling then a door close.

"Riley oh my god where have you been? Why haven't you called?" She was whisper-yelling.

"my phone broke and I didn't know any of your numbers. Maya I'm sorry." It was quiet. "I'm so sorry that I was rushed to leave and I can understand if you're mad like everyone else is."

"Riley... it's okay. Farkle has been in the weirdest mood since you left. I think it's because you haven't responded to his calls or texts. He thinks you hate him." I felt bad. I have felt bad for the months I had left.

"I feel awful Maya." I sighed into the microphone. "How is he? Has he been with other girls?" I felt my jealous side chime in.

"no Riley... all he talks about is you. He always says how you were the best girlfriend he could've asked for." Maya replied. I felt my cheeks heat up. "But he thinks you're broken up."

I guess that settles it.

"so where are you going for university?" I asked. It was quiet for a second.

"I don't know, I applied everywhere even Pennbrook." She said. That's where I'm going!

"What about the boys?" I asked again.

"Pennbrook. They all got accepted." Maya replied. I was excited yet nervous to see them again.

"Maya you should go too! That's where I'm going, we can be roomies!" I said excitedly. She laughed.

"Well... id have to see their art options then maybe." Her voice was light. A knock was heard at the door near her. "Got to go Riley! Bye."

"Bye." I hung up the call.

I feel awful. I didn't expect us to break up this way.

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