Can we see each other?

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"That woman is going to be the death of me." I sigh, saying out loud to no one in particular, as I'm reading an article about her going on a solo tour.

Is this why the new Fleetwood Mac album doesn't exist yet? What's her problem? Is she showing off? Yes, Stevie we all know that you have a massive following and you can tour as a solo artist. You don't need us, you've made that perfectly clear. You've also been rubbing it in my face since only the early 80's. I realize that this shouldn't bother me as much, but it does. Although, I'm not sure if I'm angry, because instead of coming into the studio for a couple of hours a day, she's leaving for nearly a thirty date long tour, or I'm angry because, she allowed me to find out about it through the Internet.

I wonder if others knew. John, probably not. Christine, maybe. Mick, for sure. I've always been jealous, even if I hate to admit that, of the friendship between Mick and Stevie. She and I have never had that. Sure, we've tried, but it never happened for us. Usually, trying to solve a problem, we would get into a huge argument instead, throw some things, call each other something horrible, then have fantastic make up sex. The two of them, on the other hand, once they got the sexual tension out of the way, they'd been friends ever since, despite the fact Mick was seeing one of Stevie's best friends' behind her back at one point.

I somehow manage not to dial the number right away, because if I would be on the phone with her right now, I'd be shouting and it's not good. In my opinion, during the last tour, we'd grown as close together as we'd had in a very long time and I wouldn't want to ruin it. Although, saying that, I feel that we're somewhat careful when it comes to each other. I hate that. It's as if we're close, yet so far apart at the same time.

Even though I was itching to talk to her, I decided to leave my home studio and get outside for some fresh air first. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge as well, before going out into the backyard, sitting down on one of the loungers. Have we seriously lost touch completely? A tour isn't planned in a day. It had to have been on her mind for a while. Did she mention it and I didn't listen? Now that would be the worst case scenario. But no, I don't think so. When would she have talked to me about it? The last time we actually saw each other was that event at the end of July... My God, the end of July? It's September already.

Shaking my head, somewhat saddened, I take my cellphone out of my back pocket and search for the house number, knowing she might answer, because if I called her cell, she'd hardly pick up. It seemed like I wasn't going to be very successful, until I finally heard a voice on the other end, when I was this close to canceling the call.

"Hi, Alex."

"Hey, Dad."

"How are you, son? We haven't talked in a while. You're always so busy now." He's seventeen, he plays in a band. Naturally, he's popular among girls, so he hardly finds time for his father.

"And you're not?"

"Fair point." I say. "Look, Alex, I'd like to chat with you, but right now, I really need you to give the phone over to your mother. Is she around?"

"Uh..." He trailed off, as if he was trying to think of an answer. "She is, but... she's busy."

"Oh? With what? Can't it wait? This is important."

"I'll check, but by the looks of things..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, she's got company."

My heartbeat fastened as soon as I heard those words. Company? Stevie's seeing someone? Again? Who? Since when? Why don't I know about it? Why don't I know any-fucking-thing?! I'm brought out of my thoughts by the sound of already annoyed Stevie.

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Well, you are." She states plainly.

"You're leaving."

"You know..."

"Obviously. I just read it on the Internet, Stevie. We've drifted that far apart that I have to find out things about you on the Internet?"

"Lindsey, I'm not doing this." She sighs. "I don't want to listen to your bitching. That's all you do lately. I'm tired of it. You guys all gang up on me, you say things in your interviews and it hurts, besides that, everyone thinks I'm a fucking diva, who's so full of herself, because I don't contribute to the new album." Wow... Where did all of that come from? She hasn't said anything so honest to me in forever.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I can assure you that no one's intention is to hurt you, Steph."

"Right..." After a short pause, she asks. "Is that all? If you have something else to say, then say it, but I'm not going to listen to your opinion about me going on tour."

"Can we see each other?"

"What? Why?"

"Because I miss you."


"What is so wrong about that? I just want to have a cup of coffee with you and talk, catch up. It's just me..."

"Fine." She said, breathing out heavily. "You can come over tomorrow if you want."

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow."

She hangs up first, as I stare at the screen for a minute once our conversation is over. She sounded tense and irritated. Because of me? I hope not. Probably because of me though...


So. I have no idea where this is going, but this chapter just came to me and basically wrote itself! haha

Let's give it a try, shall we?

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